Returning EUTZ player lf nullsec corp

Heya o7

You have a solid handful of most likley nice choices here but I’ll jump in late to the party :wink:

UMAH is looking for more active players, we are decently large but we cover several timezones so it still feels pretty tight and comfy :smiley: We have a mixed playerbase so you can find a variaty of personalities to play with, aswell being part of INIT (alliance), kinda gives us the oppertunity to also explore and enjoy content from many aspects of EVE.

So depends what you wanna do, you can mine (we have moons, both corp and ally moons), you can do your PI, you can do like me right now, just getting out of a fleet that was rolling for 1h and 15 min, another fleet is going up shortly aswell…

What I’m saying - whatever you like, you can find in UMAH / INIT <3
Read about us here, join our discord and we can have a chat!