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Welcome back, lee! As someone that’s 53, I understand the needs of a “seasoned gamer”. :sunglasses:

I’m Cephelange (Ceph - “seff”), lead recruiter for Aegis Reforged. We’re a relatively young corp, part of the Already Replaced alliance. We’re small, but mighty - very active at the alliance and coalition level, plenty of ISK making opportunities in our pocket of space.

One of our guiding philosophies is that we want our members to enjoy logging in, so, we don’t saddle them with attendance requirements, or anything of that nature. We figure if you cultivate the right atmosphere within the corp, the attendance will take care of it self as people are available.

If this sounds even a little bit interesting, please take a look at our recruiting post for more specifics.

Again, welcome back, and I wish you luck in your search.

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