Interested in getting back into blops or regular small gangs.
Mostly experienced in logi small gang and EW
Hey might have what your looking for through me an ingame mail we can see if we’re teh right fit.
What’s your typical prime time?
August 8, 2021, 9:08am
What about some asskicking that actually CHANGES NEW EDEN!!?? and look good wile doing it?
[New Eden Police Force Corp ad]
We are both a Vet & Newbro-friendly corp, whose main goal is to fight crime in the universe of EVE, as a 100% Anti-Pirate corporation, challenging crime & piracy wherever it is to be found.
An immersive environment with HUGE social impact, interacting with hundreds of other pilots in the galaxy, cooperating with an awesome group of people providing a unique identity within the game.
What we offer:
Click to expend Welcoming environment for both N…
Hi there Lugh
Welcome back to eve m8:)
If you can consider an independent pvp corp operating in venal (null sec npc) with focus in roams and camps please make sure to check our website for more info.
There you will find more about who we are and access to our discord server:)
Best of luck finding a new home
August 8, 2021, 1:53pm
No blops unfortunately but small-gang is our jam. Would love an EWAR pilot to join our group!
What time zone are you in? We’re EU/East coast US if that works for you.
Blood Blind [14k.] is a PVP focused corp, we are looking to create a small team of experienced (or soon to be experienced) pilots that are very good at what they do.
We live in a C3 with a static Null, crabbing beyond passives forms of income are not of primary interest, however we understand for some the need to and have strong ties with Down Under Syndrome [OZLAD] which can provide isk making opportunities for alts, or you can steal resources from null blocs when times are tough.
At the mome…
1 Like
August 9, 2021, 2:52am
Hello my friend , we would be interested to speak with you 🇬🇧 Join the Imperial Fleet and fight for the Empire!
hey you sound like a good fit with us, we are a null sec alliance in pure blind minimal blues we run small gangs daily and blops often check us out sometime o/
[Into the Ether]
We are a corporation of USTZ and EUTZ players looking for like minded individuals to join our laid back PVP community! Our leadership recently returned and created our start up dragging old friends and enemies alike to PVP and create content for all those involved!
We are extremely interested in returning players like ourselves.
The corporation has a plethora of experienced directors and fleet commanders who strive to take the bullcrap out of the game so the content…
November 7, 2021, 2:58am
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