Returning Player Looking for Corp

Hi @BrandonKakta

I think our corp Filthy Peasants may be exactly what you are looking for.

We’re a US TZ pvp corp that lives in the lowsec Placid area. We’re also most active between the times you posted with a wider variety of activity on weekends as well. We are a RL-first corp and as such have no mandatory participation requirements your time is your own.

LOW. is an established corp with active leadership and great FCs that work hard to provide content. Our daily ops include gate camps, roams, hot drops, and blops hunting. We also have weekly strat ops such as structure/offense defense or mining op interdiction. We do anything and everything we can to have a good time without having a massive time commitment.

If you’re interested check out our forum post below and join our public channel Open Filth in game.