We live in sov null and we are part of Razor Alliance. Our timezone is a mix of EU and US.
What we offer our members:
Sov null home
SRP through fleet participation
Small to medium gang PvP
Block alliance PvP (big fleets)
Mining Operations
We are a corporation for oldbros who want to live in null without the hassle that sometimes come with it. We also welcome newbros who want to learn and who feel ready to step out from empire space and move to sovereign null.
We place great emphasis on good manners and patience. We are a corporation that treats other with respect. Be it within our corporation, alliance or even our opponents. We have created a casual atmosphere in our corporation and all of our members counts!
We use voice comms through discord and mumble. There are great opportunities for solo-ratting and solo-mining but we want every member to engage and interact with others to some extent. Active players are naturally preferred but we know that other commitments in real life is more important and we respect that.
Our corporation has two wings: Industrial and PvP. In between industrial jobs and PvP-fleets these wings meet each other in the everyday ratting/krabbing/mining and on comms for laidback talk.
If you want to live in null and be part of a corporation that is organized but still casual, please contact one of our recruiters in-game or reply to this thread and a recruiter will reach out to you.