Returning player mining question - raider risk

Don’t forget you are in the new player section. Most Newbros don’t fly Orcas within 3 months… And of my solo Retriever, Skiff, and Procurer, none does more than 19 km range.

But the lesson is clear, make sure you

  • have prepared a destination (highlighted in overview)
  • have a free path to accelerate to warp (try cmd + left click)
  • see the trigs in Overview
  • hear them arriving
  • identify trigs immediately.
  • gtfo!

Then you don’t need any tank, even in a Venture. While accelerating, turn off you lasers, ynd you get some minerals of the last cycles.

You should get a partial cycle if they’re deactivated by warping, too.

AFK mining is generally a bad idea

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