Returning after a 5 year hiatus. Have multiple 50m+ SP characters, mix of industry and PVP.
I’ve done pretty much everything, lived in a C6, ran an industrial Corp, led small PvP fleets, flew a supercarrier in some of the old wars and even built a few supers. Looking to experience some of the new changes. Don’t have a lot of time, so I won’t be leading fleets but I’ll definitely join them! Between fleets or roams, I’d be up for helping run fleet production for a Corp or getting in to titan production.
I think we have a solid active and supportive community that could be a great fit for you, here are some details if you want to chat I am available most time
Hey! I started a lore-based corporation, but we’re still working to recruit members, so we’re still on the smaller side. We’re moving thru lowsec Minmatar space with our alliance, with NPC and sov null on the books. We’re not quite at the development level you’re used to, but if you’d like to help a corp from the ground up, we’d be happy to have ya. Look us up in game at “Congress on Luminaire Republicanism”, ticker: “CO.LR”. You can find more info on the corp information tab in game. Fly safe o/
We are a small but growing corp, part of Warped Intention Alliance/Legacy Coalition. We PvP, mine, build, rat among other things. We do not have any hardcore time requirements. For PvP, we have alliance and Papi fleets in Delve, Home Defense fleets, and have started doing some small gang roams. We have great space for mining, ratting, and industry. Come and talk to us!
Hi Alex, if you are looking to experience some new content, any interest in checking out life in Pochven? This region functions like a hybrid of J-space and NPC-null and has a wide variety of both PvE and PvP content found nowhere else in New Eden.
What we offer:
ム Industry - enjoy null-sec level bonuses to refining, manufacturing, research, and planetary production only a few jumps from Jita
ム Logistics - transport goods into and out of Pochven with easy connections to Empire space
ム Mining - mine r64 moons and Triglavian ores from the richest belts in the game
ム PvE - battle Drifters, Rogue Drones, and EDENCOM for rewards from the Triglavian Collective
ム PvP - engage in small-gang warfare, ESS heists, and daily roams with a team of friendly and active pilots
If you have any questions feel free to send me an EVEmail in-game and If you are interested in joining, apply in-game to Stribog Proving [SKS3P] and authenticate on our website.