We arent a WH group, we are based out of SovNull, but we are a social bunch of mature players, over in The Meridian.
We are a corp in an established nullsec alliance, outside of the major blobs/BLOC’s (we dont like TIDI). If you join us, there is almost always something to do, both big fleet, small fleets, roams, gatecamps, mining, you name it! We cater to every flavour
when we arent doing stratops, we like to sit on comms and talk ■■■■, have a laugh, while we try and catch stuff with our gatecamps!
We label ourselves as a very social group of mature players, whose mantra is “RL comes first” - i hope you’ll consider us - i’m gonna go ahead and link our recruitment thread, where additional info is avaliable.
If you have any other questions, please dont hesitate reaching out to me!
Fly safe, and have a great return to EvE!