Returning Player

Hello fellow pilots, I’m returning to EVE after a 10 year hiatus from the game. I’m still working on getting my legs back under myself and discover what’s new since leaving, but figured it didn’t hurt to put out some feelers. I’m open minded and ready to play again with a chill group of people that can hopefully teach me the ropes after being gone for so long.

I’m a casual player able to be on most days but will have periods of absence due to work & family. Looking to join a smaller Org/Alliance with a similar mindset. I’ve done blobs, no real interest to get involved with that life again. Looking to learn & explore WH space and some of the newer events/missions along with a very healthy amount of PVP sprinkled in. I currently have 160mil SP, focused mainly on everything sub-capital with some faction focused capital options available if needed. I play on USTZ. If you’d like to talk more or drop a description of what you’re offering, please reach out.

Thanks and look forward to talking to you all.

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Hello Kjuko
My name is Haconen.
I am with the Dystopian Angels.
It seems i have pressed the Enter key by accident hahaha.

We are a PvP NullSec Corp that Operates in AllSec and WH Space.
We have a strong Indy arm with multiple Moons and Stations creating Products and Reactions Daily.
We are a UKTZ & USTZ mainly, with a solid core of AUSTZ players like myself.
We are not a new Corp, our Leadership and FC’s are multi-year players and some even 10+ year Vets.
The DA always welcomes New & Returning players, and we are more than happy to help out in your EVE adventures, any way we can.

If your are interested or just want to have a chat, hop into our Discord.

And if you want more info about us (some picture from out operations), have a look at our EVE Forum.

Fly Fast Fly Dangerous

Hey brother, my name is Lee. Were starting a new pvp corp down in null. Please join our server and we can talk. Were all pvp all the time!

Hey man! I took a 12-year break and came back last August. So much has changed! We are part of an NPC null sec alliance and do a lot of high/low sec stuff as well. No commitments and we’ll help you get back into the swing of things!

Join our discord and let’s chat!

Hey Kjuko,

We’re a newer wormhole corp looking to bolster our numbers. We are USTZ and currently operate out of a C4 with C1/C3 statics enabling access to varying levels of content. We are always happy to jump on some pvp where we find it but we do a little bit of everything- pvp, pve, exploration, abyssals, indy stuff. Anything you’re looking to do you are likely to have somebody else interested in coming along.

We’re definitely a laid back group- real life comes first, everybody has stuff going on so no worries there. Not an issue if you’re not around for periods of time.

I’ll drop our post below, it will have a link to our discord. Feel free to contact me both in and out of game if you are interested or if you have any questions.

Boondocks Industrial: Bringing Business to the Boondocks!!

Our business plan is to Encourage and Inspire Business Opportunities in the many systems that lie at the end of the gravel roads of New Eden. Far from the noise and traffic of the Trade hubs. Where you wave at your neighbors as you pass, sit on your front porch, drink your coffee, read your paper and enjoy the fresh air. All without having to worry about 'bots mining your ore, or gankers knocking on your doors.

Boondocks Industrial is now hiring. We are looking for Mature Entrepreneurs with a background in Trade, Mining and Industry. Creativity, Inventiveness and the ability to think outside of the box. You must be willing to live and work in NPC Null. No experience necessary, we will train the right candidates. PvP experience is a plus, but not required. We will train you if you are interested. You will be required to participate in Alliance and Coalition fleets. We will train you. This is a great opportunity to live and work in a relative stable area of Null-Sec space without the SOV politics. Plenty of business opportunities for the cleaver thinker. For more information contact Umathyor Chelien or Abraham Solis. Or drop into I-BLU Public and ask for Uncle Uma. Bring your own calculator and coffee cup. We Love SpreadSheets!

Boondocks Industrial is part of the I-BLU Alliance and a member of the Syndicate Coalition.

hello there buddy
theses guys have been a great help smaller corp/alli

Hi Kjuko,
We sound like a good fit. You can find more info on us here -

Thanks and good luck which ever corp you choose,

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