Revenant Marauders nerf - glory to the gankers!

Am I missing something here? How is a %100 chance of losing a ship in a pvp game, risk adverse?

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He probably means that it is as ‘risky’ as buying a 100 dollar note with ten nickels. You just have to find a person that is dumb enough to make that deal. Well… lots of those in Uedama I suppose.

Nothing wrong with ganking. It’s an integral and important part of the game.

The problem is the gankers. An annoying bunch of risk averse carebears roleplaying as elite PVP gods.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


That makes more sense. Thanks for clarifying!

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100% chance of losing a cheap fit that doesn’t break the bank is not a risk. I mean, common sense would tell you that if I’m willingly putting a ship in a situation where it will definitely be destroyed, it is of no real value to me or the reward outweighs (i.e. negates) the “lose”. There is no actual risk because nothing is actually on the line.

What next? Will you say people sacrificing shuttles for AIR Objectives is a risk?

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What I’m gathering here is that risk adverse doesn’t necessarily mean a loss of isk, but actual loss in a pvp sense (lowering ones kill to loss ratio) as Mr. Epeen pointed out.

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You would have to be a complete idiot to take a Marauder through Uedama after this.

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Hey @Chad_Frostpacker show us how much of a chad you are and not afraid of gankers, go through Uedama (back and forth ten times total, including gate jumps) in a blinged out Marauder (no less than 10 bil total est. value). :smirk:


Surprise ‘splocanics

I’ve flown through Uedama twice today and there were no gankers at all. Got my 1.7bn ISK Nightmare ( which has less EHP than a Marauder ) through Uedama several times without incident…the vital ingredient is to have a scout.


Chad never undocks.

/it could be done, the pilot would need to have control towers on both sides in prime positions then they could serve as a safe logout.

Scout then pick the time to make a jump, warp to the tower then logout again.

Repeat that over the next few weeks to a month and Chad would be rewarded for his brilliant performance of avoiding being ganked.

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If you need to move the ship, you still can just move it with cheap mods and move the expensive parts of the ship via another ship that won’t get ganked. If the area you are attempting to print ISK in is prone to ganking…go somewhere else. Also, the more expensive ships can’t even go into high sec anyways.

Vargur needs its shield repair bonus back to 7.5% and the armor HP moved back towards shields. Just make it do one thing, not be available to have every ■■■■■■■ option and just nerf it into the ground when someone has something that works.

I’m already disappointed, seeing as how I came back to EVE just have some fun and watch my favorite ship get spit roasted from both ends. Modifying my build, I may just end up with 1200mm or 1400mm artillery since the tank is weak with auto cannons which lack range and the MJD+artty is just a better option.

As for people who lack testicular ability to…what was it called I was gone for 8 years…HTFU and maybe gank with a faction cruiser or T1 battleship (officer mods is a plus for giggles), drive the demand up and production goes up then price goes up but after the event of shooting Hulks (you all went limp ■■■■ in a sock full of butter when they got buffed)…oh yeah the cost of T1 battleships will eventually go down.

I forgot, most players fear losing just as much as a guy in a marauder to shitfit destroyers or Tornados. still waiting for the day of an event where everyone docks up in Amarr and waits for Chribba (does he even still play?) to exit before they undock to gang bang the Veldnaught with faction and officer fitted T2 or pirate ships while someone might throw in an Alliance tournament ship…oh wait, most players are ball less and only pick on targets without prestige.

If that is true, why aren’t you better at ganking?

Shouldn’t you just get a bunch of free easy isk with your no risk easy ganks?

Why does your killboard list zero kills?

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Princess Aiko Hold My Hotdog

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^This. All of this.


The change is almost on the same level as mining permits and currently they both irk me🤬

So much this :arrow_up:

Most ganker block their losses from showing up on the KB.

That makes them even more risk-averse.

I think one (partial) solution (one which others as well as I have suggested) is to add a fuel bay and require fuel to run Bastion.

Tell that to all the nullbears crying anytime they lose the nyx they took out with no support near by just to do some rating.