Revenant Marauders nerf - glory to the gankers!

Nah…I don’t need your tiny minded little misrepresentations. Go play the anti-Bard somewhere else.

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Funny thing is that he thinks he’s smart :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I use a Vargur for L4 missions. Today, I checked the stats and, apart from the Falloff reduction, saw nothing that would affect me.

I haven’t done ‘Worlds Collide’ for a few days, but my experiences today, on a more minor mission, don’t lead me to believe that I would be in trouble should ‘WC’ drop from my agent.

I suspect the reason is that I use a Faction Multispectrum Hardener and Booster in the Mids and no Buffer modules at all. Obviously, I have to pay attention, but it’s all easily do-able. With Projectile turrets using no Capacitor, it’s available for everything else. I do use implants. My drones are rarely used.

I think you’ll be a lot more effective once the novelty has worn off! Close shave, though.

Then maybe use a good fit. Any Marauder can do any L4 with simple T2 equipment, totally brain-afk. No wonder, they are designed to be doable in T1 battleships.


Why I’m not surprised by another change in the marauders… once again CCP had no idea how to approach the subject of these ships, which they themselves have established as some of the most powerful and versatile units available in the game at a relatively affordable price. So one time they give them buffs, another time they give them nerfs again, and that’s how it goes, although not much changes.

Players will continue to use marauders. They will come up with a new meta. If that fails - they will nicely mothball those ships and wait for better times. Gankers will continue to hunt down and destroy marauders as they have done so far - some apparently fail to grasp that if a ganker wants to blap a ship, they will do so regardless of the number of catalysts or tornadoes required to achieve that goal. Because they want to and can, no other motivation is needed. Seriously.

Well, but at least CCP can proudly declare that they are serious about balancing. Laughable.

I had to change the whole fit, ditch the MWD, TP, Webifier, Hevy NOS… and add 3X Shield Extenders, 170K Ehp Vs 158K EHp before the patch… it wasn’t a bad fit… now it was 130K EHP…
It was an excellent fit, made to blitz every single LV4… It’s the one posted here yesterday
before Revenant hit… That fit was fun, this one is bad… but at least a min safe…

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I’m deeply sorry, temp, but I truly don’t understand what you mean.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

It would be my pleasure to sell you a Rattlesnake should that suit your skills better.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


@Mr_Epeen I’m profoundly sorry but I undeniably don’t understand what you mean.


Range is the way of the rattlesnake and doesn’t need any shield extensions to increase it’s signature as the rattlesnake will be burning away to keep the nasties far out at bay :leafy_green::popcorn:


Got it, tnx anyway! :heart_eyes:

What are you trying to accomplish by using 3 large shield extenders in an active repaired Marauder?

Are you sure the nerf is causing your issues and not, say, your fitting skills?

There was not enough cap, so you’re right, I should fit a large battery, but mind you, I still have three large shield extender rigs, because a single shield extender, with the pre-revenant was outputting 180K EHP, and fitting four for travel fit, it would go up to 350K EHP…

I still have to change rigs, everything… this is day zero for all Marauders basically…

I still don’t get why you’re trying to buffer-fit a Marauder for PvE, especially after this recent nerf.

You need to stop using buffer mods on a PVE ship. You only fit buffer when you are travelling across chokepoints in High sec. Use cap rigs, a cap battery, more resist mods and maybe a shield boost amp (and any application modules you need).

guys I had to finish the LV 4 that I had to warp out, it was just a temp fit in order to
go back and clear the site, without having to worry about the fit…

You were the one complaining about the fit…myself and others are trying to help you realize that the issue is because of your fit, not the nerfs.

The fit used is the FIRST POST OF THIS THREAD!!! Damn!
Stop helping people if you can’t understand what you read…

I made this post yesterday in ANTICIPATION of what the nerf would have brought…
got it now? The Fit used in the LV 4 is the one from yesterday, the one posted today
with three LSE, is the temp fix I had to make in order to go back and survive…

the point is the old good fit, is no longer good for me, and it was a good fit…
I will have to change rigs, everything… but dont worry for me, bring in
your experiences, I’m not in DARE NEED OF HELp
This is just a civil discussion,
bring on your experience and leave the kids home!

Hey, maybe go calm down and destress for a bit before coming back to respond. You seem a bit upset that people are trying to help.

If you have updated the fit, maybe let us know what it is?

Somebody needs a hug