The reward cache gives 20-40 million isk and if you loot the loser, adds on average 30 mill isk, so lets just say each win averages 50 million ISK… This PG requires battlecruisers which can cost between 100-150 million ISK just for the ship and total cost including modules go for anywhere between 150-250 million isk.
Opening the reward cache offers little incentive to continue playing because it’s not rewarding. I mainly play for fun, but it becomes less fun when a match only offers 20 million isk reward. This is a expensive PG. I want more players to play in these events and I think if each win at least rewards the cost of the ship, then more people would play.
I agree the reward for this round is a bit low, I think it should scale with the ship class. It doesn’t seem to be putting people off taking part though. Queue times were way shorter than I expected last night.
That is a good point, but still doesn’t change the fact the rewards seem a bit low for this round. Kylanti Hender made a good suggestion about the rewards scaling with ship class.
I haven’t played a PG in a few months, but it seems the rewards are the same no matter the different ship restrictions.
Simple solution: no rewards, and no losses. And a completely separate combat tracker in the character profile. The arena is effectively just a simulation.
It’s not real EVE anyway, so I don’t see how that would be an issue.
You obviously have no idea what you are on about. The last event cost me about 1bill and I was in the middle of the leader board. The top few people might be making a profit. It certainly is not farmable for most people.
I think you’re right about that tho. If the reward is only 30 to 50mil the least you should get is the price of the ship, without the modules, in two wins.