(Rail J'kar)
January 29, 2024, 12:36pm
Adding some quoted text from another thread to save it for posterity, since it runs parallel to the navigation / content themes expressed in this thread.
I propose adding a hyperspace option that requires fuel to engage. This would allow travel between the stars without the gate network, but it would not be instantaneous and if you get close enough to another player (say 1-100 au - dependent on signature radius and scan resolution), you’ll both be knocked out of hyperspace - with no concord protection.
This could function not only as a travel mechanic between stars, but also a way for ccp to create more content locations without creating any more static solar systems. Large objects in space, like a Jovian station might create a 100 au bubble that kicks people out of hyperspace when they get near it. Or there could be derelicts or large battlefields out there in the deep black.
On top of this, allowing this alternative method of travel also gives CCP the ability to allow sov holding alliances to turn off gates without destroying counter play options.
Obviously the suggestion also means we’ll be able to warp in any direction without the need for a destination (since without it, you’d be immediately knocked out of hyperspace when you tried to engage it.) To balance this with the current destination warp… I suggest the current method will eat less capacitor, and require a module or rig slot for the new version of warp.
If players also get the tools to see other players while in hyperspace and warp, it will open up the gameplay to so much more than just being reserved to gate camping.
Rewarding Player Attention:
a hacking mechanic with a continuous attention requirement, like tetris.
I’m not saying EVE should use a ui like that, it’s just an example of something simple that could be done that requires the player’s attention. CCP would probably want to still keep the current hacking game’s theme, with it’s circuit board style and monochrome graphics.
CCP just needs to reward active play more. They should still keep the current mechanics, but if you have the ability to actively control some element of your ship, you should be rewarded for it. (ie: passive mining vs active mining.)
In a game like EVE, that would probably come by way of a series of minigames. You could ignore the minigames, and let the character’s skills do everything for you or active play and not get the benefit of the character’s skills, but if you’re good at the minigames, you could out perform a player with max skills.
this is also another place where CCP could reward active gameplay. Instead of making it a timer, make players hack the bank repeatedly. Let us use those mercenary items we have to give us the illusion of sending people in to extract resources (which also gives us a good tie in to vanguard if CCP is brave enough to do it.)
Regardless of how it’s implemented, using some sort of hacking mechanic (whether it’s themed for data hacking, or combatants clearing out a structure, or w/e) instead of a timer will allow a player to decide for themselves how long they wish to invest for their reward.
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