I would cross link my original post here, but I’m sure with a little bit of scrolling down you will find it. I would like to suggest further enhancements to my original post, which I will attempt to mirror here. At some point I will even photoshop some windows and screenshots so you can get a visual of what I’m talking about.
So my original post had several ideas on the mission system improvements. In a nutshell those improvements were:
- Create a new UI window that pops up when you talk to an agent. This window will show a series of buttons for various options. Each mission category (L1 - 4) has its own set of missions that range from rediculously easy to insanely difficult (as it currently is in game). Separate the standard missions for each level into 3 difficulty categories. Separate all faction missions into their own category. Separate anomic missions into their own category. When you talk to an agent the UI window pops up, you choose the type of mission you are looking for, and the agent then spits a mission at you.
- Remove negative faction standings from cashing in storylines while increasing positive faction standings, so missioners don’t get a negative faction standing unless they want to.
- Bring back high yield/faction mission loot. Make fighting against rogue drones profitable again. Make some of the missions have a chance of dropping faction loot, like fed navy MWD for example.
- Introduce benefits for having high standings towards NPC corps. This should be related to personal standings, not PC corp standings. If your personal standings are high with say, Caldari Navy, then you should have ISK bonus percentiles to your mission reward/bounty.
Those were the suggestions in my OP. A lot of the rest of my post talks about why I feel this will work, why it’s needed, and it’s a detriment to the game how the mission system is so lacking. It literally pushes people out of EVE.
To further augment the overall idea of my mission overhaul, here are some new ideas to add to the bucket list of things:
Security License: Storylines (the ones that no longer destroy your standings) now have a chance of offering you one of these items as a reward. They would bind to you personally, you would not be allowed to trade or sell them. You can only have one installed so if you get multiples, then oh well, you have to trash them, unless you get a better one. These licenses add a further bonus to your ISK pool for each bounty received. They would operate in 4 tiers, one for each level of agent:
i) Bronze - adds a 2% bonus to bounty
ii) Silver - adds a 5% bonus to bounty
iii) Gold - adds a 15% bonus to bounty
iv) Platinum - adds a 25% bonus to bounty
These licenses would only be applied if you are working within the empire for which they are issued. For example, if I have a Gold amarr license installed, then I only get the payout of 15% while missioning in amarr space. If I had a lesser license before installing the gold license, the gold license overrides the previous bonus. The 15% would apply until I receive a Platinum license, then I would have a 25% bonus to bounty. -
Reduced LP from missions: LP should be more of a reward for running incursions. This would reduce the effect SOE missions have on the game and would discourage the majority of the mission crowd to pool up in a single system where gankers are abundant. By reducing LP from missions, you would be more justified in offering mission runners more ISK, especially with bumps in corp standings and by installing licenses. This will also justify offering the player addition rewards based on faction loot drops. It’s harder for missioners to buy loot from the LP store but they can now start finding them in random missions instead. Of course, these drops will be limited and rare, less rare than finding a faction drop in null sec. But I won’t even talk about how overpowered the consistent isk generation is in null sec.
Increase the raw isk rewards for lower level missions. Receiving 50K for completing an L1 is a joke. L1 mission runners should be able to earn at least 5 mil an hour, not the 200K it currently sits at. The baseline L1 mission reward system should be doubled in ISK value for L1’s and L2’s. L3’s should be all about getting your standings towards the NPC corp you are working for so you get bonuses to mission reward and bounty. The L4’s are all about that high level mission grinding where you get the platinum license, bonus to mission rewards and bounty.
The NPC corp bonus system explained:
NPC corps should offer bonuses on mission rewards. The more you work for them, the more they like you. Remember, you are the one eliminating their enemies, keeping their assets safe. They should be more than willing to offer you some sort of extra compensation. These bonuses work off both mission reward+bonus and also bounties of NPC’S. Here’s how it should work:
Standings of:
0 - No bonus
1.0 - You get a 2% bonus on mission rewards and bounty
2.0 - You get a 4% bonus on mission rewards and bounty
3.0 - You get an 8% bonus on mission rewards and bounty
4.0 - You get a 12% bonus on mission rewards and bounty
5.0 - You get a 20% bonus on mission rewards and bounty
6.0 - No change from 5.0
7.0 - No change
8.0 - You get a 30% bonus on mission rewards and bounty
9.0 - You get a 40% bonus on mission rewards and bounty
10.0 - You get a 75% bonus on mission rewards and bounty
Note: The bonus to bounty from licenses sits on top of the bonus to bounty offered by this system
Note also: That obtaining a license applies to ALL NPC’s within a faction’s territory (even low/null sec)
Once again I know there will be a lot of naysayers out there, complaining that it’s too much isk made in high sec. But I’m here to tell you, once again, IT DOESN’T MATTER. Even with these changes made to the game and a 10.0 corp bonus + a platinum license, that makes a 100% bonus to BOUNTY, you are still only earning about 75 mil an hour as a high level mission runner. Which is more than fair, considering the insane market rigging going on, the insane cost of all items in the game now.
It’s time to see the missioning system as the backbone to the game, the new player experience. With changes to the wardec, now is the perfect time to impelement sweeping changes to how PVE works, and how much carebears can earn. It’s safer than ever to be a carebear. And that’s a GOOD thing. Because we want people to stick with the game, those who want to live the standard MMO life. The cries and whims of the nullsec crowd, constantly complaining about how much ISK the carebears make, well TOO BAD. The game has gone stagnant. It was once vibrant. People come to this game with visions of building themselves up and becomming powerful. And with a GOOD implementation of a proper PVE environment, CCP can breathe the life into this game it so desparately needs. Once again I’ve seen far too many people leave this game because of a wardec. The wardecs are gone, but now it’s time to look at missions. It’s the core experience of EVE. It should be. Getting into a good PVE corp, running the missions, building up your wallet, your ships, your skills. THAT is what will make people want to PVP, it will get them strong, it will give them the will to come at the PVP corps with some decent ships and skills to run them. No more pandering to the PVP crowd. Seriously CCP it’s time to consider taking EVE in a new direction. Because the current direction it’s in is making it hit a wall. I don’t want to see this game die. And for once, I want to have FUN running a high sec corp. YOU NEED TO DO THIS. Thanks