Talking about Newtonian physics? or ww2 fighter planes that most space fighter combat utilizes?
I think we’d need to see what the actual potential options are. I doubt too much in that way is going to change very much, because from CCP’s perspective, it’s working as is.
As you say, there’s not much reason to change the way warp works. Not only does it work the way it’s currently designed, it would just take development resources away from other projects to try to change it.
Yeah, if navigation hazards become a thing, it’ll certainly increase travel time. I guess, I would propose that no additional travel hazards would exist between the important structures and celestials within highsec.
Even if they did appear, the empires should make a motion to route traffic around them, so there’s not much point in even making that be part of the game design equation.
In lowsec however, you might see some more of this type of thing in the more lawless parts of space.
And of course in null and wormhole space, there would likely be a lot of it.
Still… you likely wouldn’t have any navigation hazards directly between gates, since people have been traveling those star lanes for quite a while without any trouble.
At best Newtonian physics light however concerning speed one could only always move forward in flight direction, a player could brake and go slow, averange, fast or pay capacitor for a speed boost through afterburner.
There was no zero or negative speed aka moving backwards. Gave the game a hectic feeling. Sort of like always beign on a train ride with no train station anywhere.
Telling this to say however the system for traversing the in system map is going to be designed by ccp it is going to strongly influence the fundamental feeling or player expirience to be found in eve.
I reckon the warp drive is so fundamentally rooted in eve that instead of changing it a better option is to build possible systems around warp flight. Sort of examine possible additions.
One discussible point is if travel in low, null or wh is impeded then how many are willing to bear with it, this could end with less people in these regions of space and more highsec eventually leading to more high sec ganking.
I persoinally feel the fundamental system is best designed equal for all security bands and after that each band has some speciality.
For exampel if one goes with the buoyns and add warp boosting gates - looking a bit similar to Babylon 5 jumpgate - which if using them by activating send one to a specific buoyn in system and increase warp speed by 25 to 50%.
Buoyns might be alone in space, have a warp boost gate to a different buyon, or a warpm boost gate to a buoyn close to the warp boost gate the ship arrive from.
Overall it is possible to build a network consisting of warp boost gates and buoyns, mimicing the jumpgate network. However unlike jumpgates using this network is optional for players.
Warp booster gates are 5km away from a buoyn. This means if the player has used a warp booster gate and wants to user another one he has to travel a “short” distance at sublight speed something between 3 minutes and 40 seconds.
Instead s-he can also warp away at slower warp speed. In so far it’s optional.
At each buoyn there might be asteroid conglomerates, npc traffic, sceneric items and eventually rats might spawn.
With such a system, the mission system could rely on this in system network.
So far on a fundamental traffic system.
Well let’s say two ships sailing same direction, if we manage to connect them with beams then we mighth end up having a catamaran.
Yeah, that’s probably a good idea to focus in that direction.
Hmm, I don’t think this would be too much of an issue. Traveling these areas is already dangerous because of the other players inhabiting it. If there are natural phenomena that knock people out of warp, or cause damage to the hull, or any number of other effects… it will just add to the feel.
that said, if those things exist, there needs to be counter play. The player should be able to look at the probe scanner (for example) and see that there is something in the way. Then the player can take measures to fly around it.
In theory it’s not a bad idea, especially in the larger systems, or if you’re running a heavy passive tank with very little capacitor.
I would caution against making this part too tedious. If it takes too long to get to the warp boost gate (or we could call them acceleration gates - like the ones that exist for missions or pvp / pve complexes.) then most would be better off just using their normal warp, since the time they spend in sublight would eat up any saved time during the warp.
This I really like.
It might also help to explain why most rats don’t just warp away when faced with the overwhelming firepower that is a capsuleer. I always head cannoned it, that capsuleer tech had something in it that disabled the warp drive in most non-capsuleer ships, but this could be an interesting explanation too… that they need navigation buoys and acceleration gates get around the system.
Well I would caution against making this a likely event as there are eventually already now pos owners that set it to shoot non corp people and place interdictor bubbles close to the station being both in the middle of a gate to gate warp path in low or null.
Effect is a gank and a rather badly suprised eventually pissed player.
Personally I would like to see an spatial effect in which someone in warp looses a part of the unattained distance at a certain time in warp flight meaning warping a bit shorter than the system had prepared for when starting the warp. (something akin to a nosferatu for active warp drives)
In case the player strands in space, he is not forced to leave this region instead he can quickly reenter warp flight.
It could be given the weird name “Fast Repopulating Of Depleted Vacuum By Quantum Fluctuations” FRoDVbQF
I did a calculation and in perhaps the slower ship being a Charon flying 60m/s one passes this distance in 83 seconds minimum, and with rough assumptions 120 seconds when needing to accelerate first. Now if there is some scenery, perhaps some radio chatter going on and a few npc haulers passing by then the time might though not fly by still be enjoyable.
For amusement sake concord or navy could wander from buoyn to buoyn and introduce themselve when exiting warp at a buoyn with ship horn, dark horn sound or godzilla roar and might even do visually represented cargo scans. Optical similar yet different in colour to autolysian lancers.
Now hypothetical being scanned could be combined with being webbed and scrambled - sort subtle hint of police/navy low level violence. Such a scan has a duration of 8 seconds - (absolute value of positive faction standing *0.8s) + (absolut value of negative faction stading *0.3s). In so far between 0 seconds and 11 seconds. This might provide the vibes of an iron fist law enforcement with a minor hint of unequal treatment. To drive paranoid people the scan could be phased in with a laser pointer line for 2 seconds on the next to be scanned.
Should the specific ship warp away from it’s place concord simply warps after him. And aims to get its scan data being 30 seconds behind the player having left warp. The player can now wait for concord
to arrive and be scanned. Or warp again and successfully run from the procedure.
A player that has run away get’s a ticket that needs to be paid by him. Those tickets can be collected up to a certain ammount. Beyond that point perhaps a bounty is a reasonable game principle.
Well hypothetical
Above might eventually motivate anti law rebellious and vandalistic behaviour.
Concerning moving cargo ships, a mini game is introducable with the stranded cargo ship that needs replacement items to repair itself and move on. However with the current overview and a-lot-a reasons to not introduce speech bubbles this might be overlooked. Now if there were a window that displays the transit map for each system looking similar to the map in the hacking game with each circle representing buoyns then … in this specific map something akin to distress calls could be displayed.
This might allow for the creation of a distress call menu with distress calls done at a radius of 50 km around a buoyn to appear at a specific map position. Additional spawning of npc ships in need.
Yeah, it would have to be balanced for sure. Though, even if it was completely procedural, most of those environmental hazards wouldn’t spawn in warp lanes.
Yeah, that could be interesting too.
I admit, I wasn’t thinking of capitals. Even battle ships might benefit from your acceleration booster gates quite a bit.
There is, or at least used to be, a horn sound some of the npcs would play.
[quote=“Eney Issier, post:24, topic:431909, username:Eney_Issier”]
Should the specific ship warp away from it’s place concord simply warps after him.
It’s actually against the eula to attempt to avoid concord justice. You could potentially use your idea for the faction police though.
I think you could probably just use the solar system map (that’s paired with descan / probe scanner) for this. It would be easy enough to have little alert icons on the map for npcs and players with distress calls. And easy enough to filter them out if you didn’t want to see them.
With capitals being over a kilomter long I wonder if they have thsi long to travel at sublight yet yeah those gates need to be large or have a specific geometry that capitals can employ them also in low, null and wormhole. Though in wormhole such infrastructure had to be installed by the player for the sake of installing it.
This horn sound would be similar to radio chatter.
The wording justice is troublesome as it can be laid-out differently. Guess I have to read the eula very attensive to the text.
Personally I’d prefer an additional transit map as it is a chance to use a different coordinate system than the solar system map, and display things in 2d as a network.
You might ask why an additional map. I personally think if it be introduced it should be completely optional to use for players as in the current game is going to be and stay available. As there is no push to use it there needs to be some sweetner to motivate people into using it.
Now however if this gate buoyn thing increase speed to much it will not feel like optional anymore. So either it can only provide 10% warp speed increase or would need to provide pathes that have a larger having to pass distance compared with a direct warp.
Latter is not necessary bad as it means a lot of places to fill with scenery items.
Yup that is an idea - for this brainstorming session - that sort of might remind players of hacking and relic analysing gameplay in exploration.
Additional this could have additional uses, when entering a system the player never visited the buoyn markers in this map all have dark blue circle around grey circular area. As soon as the player has visited a buoyn the circle representing it changes to a white color around a grey circular area.
This would allow to introduce a simple sightseeing exploration game if a player is awarded isk each time this player manages to white all circles within one system by visiting all buoyns.
To an extend in low/null latter is trapaliciously gank harvastable.
To be honest, you don’t even need to reward isk for that sort of thing. In every game I’ve played that had a map you periodically unlock by visiting various places, I always find myself trying to unlock everything and get the achievement. People will do it, just because it’s a goal.
Yeah, having better ui utilizing colors is certainly something that should be done more. And with havoc, you can actually change parts of your ui to any color you want using web colors in the escape menu (it’s kind of hidden.) CCP could use that same code to allow players to change other aspects of the ui as well.
It would be great to be able to have more colors for the overview, for example.
That’s easy enough. Every static location buoy you mentioned could be a potential mission location.
Pirates could be attacking the navigation beacon to disrupt navigation in the system or just raiding it or the neutral nearby npcs for resources. Missions like this would probably be more like timed anomalies that would just show up in your probe window feed, rather than being given out as a mission from an agent.
But those locations could also have lots of different things at them, mini station environments for the local npc traffic to do shopping, fill up on fuel or other tasks. That in turn would create a local town like economy, thus other buildings could be placed at the location as well.
If each of those structures previously mentioned was interactable in some way, whether it be hacking, function as a loot can, ect. You could have a dynamic environment at each of these static locations.
So a potential mission could be something like “find the terrorist.” It would give you clues on where you look, and then you’d have to hack a series of structures, simulating looking at their security feeds, until you find the individual and bring it back to the agent.
Similarly, maybe you’re running a mission for a cartel agent, and they want you to blow up one of these relay stations.
And after that static location is destroyed, another agent would ask another mission runner to repair the location.
Well I’d rather have the current missions appear in vinvinity of a buoyn in a system. However it is possible to introduce incidents in the buoyn network.
Well yes they could sort of explode the rail bridge kind. However they might have to damage several buoyns to catch traffic. And so far for traffic security in high sec sentrie guns could be positioned at them, this would probably not fare well … for the pirates.
Now maybe it would if they could hack the controll system of the sentries. Talking about a heist path here.
Sure, though npcs are mostly static and I persoanlly think most of this scenery is solar collectors, space weather measuring sattelites and rocks a “space town” inbetween is a nice installation. Eventually a new drone model that represents small npcs like civilian in “mobile space operating vessels” migh be introducable for decoration purpose.
however when it comes to mining belts the above becomes probematic. What I am saying most current belts are close to stellar objects like moons or planets. That means they are in system.
They could be integrated into this system as getting a buoyn with gates placed close to them, though sort of redundant they could act as entry points for the buoyn system.
Hypothetically they could be redesigned to a buyon above or below a field of asteroids or within a ring like placement of asteroids. Several such sites could be placed around a planet or moon forming something like a close to orbital ring level. Now if this were the case that would heftily increase the ammount of belts in a system. And that means more space for miners.
Now here is a real nasty idea how to eventually connect gankers with pirate and terrorist factions, latter have eyes in every asteroid belt in a system and someone with good standing (+3.0) can call an agent of those every hour in systems below 0.8 and ask “are there miners in a belt” and get a reliable answer.
The current belts already have a beacon at the warp in point. So that beacon can serve the same purpose as the buoy.
The following is something from a conversation I had in another thread.
As Altara pointed out in that thread, EVE’s asteroid belts are more like Lagrange points orbiting planets than specifically “belts.” To expand the exploration system and meld it into the mission / dungeon site generation system, we would make use of spawn zones that would exist along splines. These would orbit both stars and gas giants.
So when you get a mission site that had notable mining resources in it, it would spawn on one of these splines. Also, mining anomalies would also spawn here. Furthermore, the exploration system would allow the player to hunt through these belts to find rare ore.
The mining scanner only goes out a few kilometers, so developing another mining exploration tool that’s a more visceral experience would be useful. Something that wouldn’t pin down the exact location of the thing you’re looking for, but would get you close enough so you could use your asteroid scanning module.
As for what that tool would look like, firefall’s scanhammer comes to mind. The wave moves in the direction of the peak of the deposit, and the higher the vertical the wave, the more ore is in that location. If I recall correctly, the color corresponded to the type of mineral.
Obviously, that being a terrestrial game, and EVE being in space, it wouldn’t work quite like that. But it does go to show that you can create visual experiences in the environment to act as your scanner… you don’t need to have everything in a window.
So I guess the eve version of that would be something like this:
In order to give those factions pve content, all you have to do is make sure there are empire friendly / neutral npcs in various places. Also, if a pirate mission agent gives out a mission in highsec, the generator would place the proper npcs in position for that. They’d either be civilian or empire military targets.
Yup, that’s why you don’t really have to specifically design too much specifically made features for them. They will go where the pve happens. And then other pvp players will hunt the people who hunt pve players.