Reworked Missions (Procedural Generation)

I tink procedurally generated missions would be a good thing.

For one pilot? no, because that potentially adjusts the difficulty level for people running the same mission ( beyond lvl 1-6 as per the bonus reeward that apples if the player completes in 1-6 hors)

ANYWAY, procedural missions sounds great Lots more diversity in the missin space instead of jjust prior report based content.


I’m not sure what you mean by this. Could you elaborate?

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Adding: the concept of corp specific missions for corp specific rewards. (Daily / weekly objective out of the opportunities window.)

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Literally how lowsec faction warfare should work; the static content is a great start to driving content but only a continually changing environment will keep that from turning into farmville where players simply join whichever side will pay more and avoid other players as much as possible; also makes dual/quad boxing gangs harder as you never really know what your gonna get.

Also how another branch of missions should work; classic missions are ok for chilled content and new players but; and here is the crucial thing you have missed…

Missions have remained largely untouched for OVER a decade.

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Right. A major problem for end game content, is it gets solved, and then it starts feeling stale. You can turn up the procedual generation to keep that content fresh and exciting.

And even with the low level missions you want to be a chill experience, letting the generator mostly modify cosmetic elements would keep the sites seem less static.

imo it’s a problem when you see the same “unique” asset over and over again…


It ceases to be unique.

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Oh for sure I cant believe the Damsel is that stupid… and yet how easy would it be to have a couple of random name generator in the mission description alone?

No idea why even that sort of basic thing hasn’t been implemented tbvh vov

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Well I do understand it to a degree, they’ve had a lot of priorities over the years. But I think it’s time to give the mission system an update, especially since this is something that can be used broadly across all their pve activities.

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If two players accepted the same mission from an agent, both are procedurally generated, one may be more difficult than the other, even though they’re supposed to be the same mission.

If both players did somehow manage to accept the same mission, the procedural generation would drop the missions in different locations.

That said…

Notice how I suggested the mission would disappear after it was accepted. So only one person could accept it at a time.

Furthermore, these mission boards would be per mission agent, so it shouldn’t be overly difficult to deal with.

That said, it wouldn’t be impossible for the generator to generate a mission within someone else’s mission location. That would need some heavy testing, but it’s a possible option.

The same thing is true for missions that spawn at static locations like stations and gates. At the very least, you’d likely want to make it so only L1 missions could spawn at stations in 1.0 - 0.9 systems. L2 in 0.8, L3 in 0.7-0.6 and L4 in 0.5. They could spawn in lower sec systems too of course, but a higher level mission probably shouldn’t hit higher sec stations. (Having a L4 mission spawn on the career agent system would be dumb.)

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