Rize of Cryptocurrencys value and its effect on eve-online

You say you could change the bitcoin crypto and it will remain the bitcoin, or does the bitcoin what it is become obsolete?
Already next year there is a quantum chip going into mass production.

So…are you saying you think something like bitcoin is based on something less ‘real’ and less material than fiat currency?

No country in the world’s currency is currently backed by anything ‘real’ or ‘material’ right now.

I would not say that’s totally true. Even if money is fake, its backed by a government structure as well as its ability to wage war. Countries control landmasses that have value and natural resources. That is more real than simply nothing.

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US currency is backed by the US government and US banking system and if that’s not enough look over there, behind them is standing the US military. Mess with the US dollar. I dare you. Ask Saddam how it went for him. Or Quaddafi.

Now remind me who Bitcoin is backed by?

“they say” it costs about 20 barrels of oil to mine a bitcoin, and each one is currently worth about 100 barrels of oil.

So long as folks continue to pay more than it costs to mine, in fiat currencies, folks will keep mining them and exchanging them for fiat.

If you take a close look at a 20 pound note, you may note it says that the Bank of England promises to pay the bearer twenty pounds. The note, therefore, is not currency, but rather a promissory note for currency. The British state underwrites the promise of value by the central bank.

Who promises to pay you something for your bitcoin? Random guy on the internet?

And, as Stalin asked of the Pope, how many divisions does he have?

The bottom line is that everyone lives under the gun of some regime or another, and money has value so long as that regime lets you spend it. Lee Harvey Oswald left East Germany because “there was nothing to buy in the shops, nowhere to go for entertainment.”

So long as you have multiple passports, this means that bitcoin will probably be useful currency until such time as only gold will do.

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Loads of people have paid for things with bitcoin, they aren’t accepted in stores because its too new for them, the same happened with chip and pin cards, they have value and people do accept them as valid methods of payment for services or items :slight_smile:

I’ve seen housewives spruiking bitcoin on my Facebook feed over the last month.

When retail investors are net long… go short. I bought myself a specific bottle of champagne that I’ll pop when bitcoin crashes. :rofl:

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As a side note, the hidden cost of bitcoin oeprations… massive energy consumption!

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I don’t see EVE ever representing its own cryptocurrency, I just see people trading bitcoins for plex.

The reality that CCP owns everything underlying in the game would preclude isk or anything Eve from being any sort of currency. CCPs entire policy and ideology would have to change entirely for it to be considered. Second Life could be considered this sort of electronic currency seeing as it is freely tradeable for real monetary values.

Bitcoins value is perceptive as others have stated, in fact all value is subjective. I have a German 1mil mark bill in a frame in my house from WWII that though backed by the government is worth about 2USD on ebay.

Descarte played with the idea of what is “real” or what is “reality” many years ago. Real is what you make it and what is real or valuable changes with each person, generation or over time. Its a fun mental play though to think about.

The one effect cryptocurrency will have on EVE or other hobbies is that some early Bitcoin adopters became very rich, and these people are sometimes willing to spend very large sums on hobbies.

This has been seen in Magic: The Gathering, where a few individuals that were Magic players first, and now are Bitcoin millionaires, have thrown their weight around the game’s economy, buying every copy of some old cards that were on the market. This doesn’t seem to be a serious business venture aiming at profitable resale, it’s just hobbyists wanting to own the cards they couldn’t afford earlier in life.

In EVE if this happens it would translate to PLEX whales (i.e. some Bitcoin millionaire that buys 20000 USD worth of PLEX legitimately) buying AT ships and other similar irreplaceable assets.

This can already happen with people that inherit money or win lotteries. It’s just that there is a bigger overlap between ‘nerds’ and Bitcoin early adopters than there is between lottery winners and ‘nerds’.

Sure bro, does it come bundled with a cryolab?

Just use it while in an ice belt, should be cold enough there. :smiling_imp:

If I enter an ice belt it gets hot there pretty fast

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Then I dont think his quantum CPU will work well.:laughing: Maybe if hell freezes over?:smiling_imp:


CCP’s policy is what it is because of legal reasons - especially tax reasons. If they allow in game items to be convertible into cash, suddenly governments get interested in what’s going on. That’s why they actively pursue any hint of RMT - because otherwise they can be held liable for all sorts of nasty things from money laundering to tax evasion.

Maybe someone would like to exchange a bitcoin for Lunar Deed certificate? Its a nice piece of land, near a crater with water ice.

But you didn’t answer my question.
Does this mean it’s dead end for bitcoin? (yes there are other crypto currencies, but they are not bitcoin)
Why are you scared to answer that, you can now reply about me asking you why you’re scared of that and again avoid the question, but you shouldn’t be wasting your precious time on that.

google it yourself