Rorqual pilot price check/auction

24m SP rorqual pilot for sale

18 bil buyout offer

Give you 21B Isk Ready, can send after 8 Hours cause im at work right now

22B, Isk ready.

24B B/O Isk Ready to send after my work

25B B/O

27B B/O

28B B/O

thanks for the offers guys gonna let this run till 1200 east coast US time today at which point i will sell the character to the highest bidder. 07 and good luck everyone. @Apollo_Mileghere is the highest bidder currently . If no one else bids in the next 4 hours the character is yours.

1 hour left on this character then will go to @Apollo_Mileghere

29B B/O?

if apollo doesnt reply in the next 30 minutes then offer is accepted

send isk and account info offer is accepted

isk and account info sent

character transfer started let me know when you get it

Another player is transferring the character Calaena Thellere to your account named XXXX thanks :slight_smile:

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