Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

YC126.02.12 // ATHOUNON VI

As the conflict between Corporate-Aligned forces and Bellevigne reaches unprecedented levels of intensity, the battleground echoes with intense warfare not witnessed since Taayusaka’s initial landfall on Athounon VI.

The formidable defenses of Federal garrison positions in Bellevigne have proven resilient against the invaders. While Corporate-Aligned forces have managed some territorial gains, these advances have come at a high cost, with sustained and heavy losses being incurred.

In a surprising turn of events, Federal forces have launched an amphibious counteroffensive through Lake Miroitant, successfully establishing a beachhead in Western Acruasau, opening an unexpected new front.

As the battle lines continue to shift, concerns mount regarding the well-being of civilian settlements trapped between the frontlines. Disturbing images of rural communities devastated by Corporate artillery bombardments have begun to surface, painting a grim picture of the toll exacted on innocent lives caught in the crossfire.

News in Brief

  • Taayusaka corvette sunk by kamikaze drone strike amidst Federal amphibious assault

  • Enlistment in Bellevigne militia soars following circulation of disturbing frontline footage

  • System traffic monitors report notable material shipments bound for Athounon XI

  • FCG spokesperson claims that Corporate Hunter-Killer drones make use of ‘anomalous AI templates typical of rogue drones’

  • Torchbearers of Liberty demand the ‘full removal of disgusting slavers’ following raid on Khimi Harar monitoring outpost

  • Taayusaka whistleblower releases information on ‘Project Carmine Mirage’, revealing mutadaptive pathogen research preceding Qucrain outbreak

  • Disturbing trend of Belletere youths performing mock executions of Taayusaka ‘Mofumofu’ plushies goes viral

  • Qucraines Armed Forces report the complete eradication of organized deserter forces