Ruthless Renegades Looking for Industrialist, Explorers, Mission Runners

Ruthless Renegades is a HighSec Corp that is recruiting for Industrialists, Explorers, and Mission Runners. Being a HighSec Dweller doesn’t mean you can’t fly Ruthless.

The Ruthless ones are a very active corp that believes individual corp members aren’t just a number to fill the ranks. We enjoy jumping in fleets and checking out WH Space, getting blown out of the sky by Trigs and kicking back in active mining Op’s.

What we offer:
New Pilot Friendly
Active Mining Op’s with Orca Support and PvP roams with fleets like Redemption
Active Community of Ruthless Ones that can offer help to New Pilots or
Returning Vets
Ore Buy Back Program
Opportunities to help the Corp Grow - Ideas are always appreciated

Join Ruthless Renegades to today - In game channel: Renegade-Rec

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