WTA ⍟ 2005 Character ⍟ Original NPC Corp. ⍟
- Positive Security Status
- Located in Jita 4/4
- Positive Wallet
- One Jump Clone
- Full Set of +5 Implants
- No Kill Rights
- This character will receive the ISK from the sale and all CCP Rules will be followed.
WTA ⍟ 2005 Character ⍟ Original NPC Corp. ⍟
How would we be able to rename the character?
It’s quite simple. You file a support ticket asking CCP to rename the character. They prefer that you give them 3 names in order of priority, in case one of those is taken or unacceptable.
I guarantee that you’ll be able to rename him or you’ll receive a FULL REFUND!
Any price in mind?
He sold for 10b six months ago.
Very interested even at that price point tbh but would need time to get the ISK so keep it up, see if someone else will match it and I’ll work on getting the money. And I’ll start you off at 1.1b
The top bid is currently 5b ISK.
2.7b bid
Happy Labor Day!
3.1b offer
4 bil
4.5 bill
I just realized your starting bid is 1b but reserve it 10b why is that you not gonna sell less than 10?