Secrets Of The Abyss - Event Feedback Thread

The suggestion is the worthwhile loot is in the final room and the loot is locked until all rats dead, so you COULD disconnect, but you get no loot. and you have wasted a filament.


Adding my two pennies.

I got really excited for the event. I really did. Then it was delayed a week due to bugs. Then it was released with a crapload of bugs. GG CCP.

Next, a hotfix was applied. However, it still bugged for me. I played through and persisted, until finally the entire event disappeared from my agency and I am unable to collect any rewards. GG CCP.

Lastly, I submitted a ticket AND a bug report regarding this, and 36 hours later still cannot access the event to play. Furthermore, I haven’t even gotten a single reply. G f-----g G CCP.

Perhaps your GM’s should stop running around New Eden giving away useless SKIN’s and have them answer their tickets and reset events. If this is out of the hands of the GM and is a Dev issue, then don’t freaking release broken content. Someone else pays $45 a month for me to play via PLEX.

This is unacceptable.


+3 (characters to count)

Can’t even see the secrets of the abyss in my agency tab. When will this be fixed ? Losing out on a fuckton of accelerators… great new free expansion i came back to… much wow

Upgrade to Omega and avoid bug-free events!

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hm same for me…whats wrong ccp? are you serious? this is the biggest joke ever ;(

Tbh i like this event my only suggestion would be to drop an occasional Skill book or something in the Triglavian Cache Data Vault To give players an incentive to spend the time opening them.

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5 days later, event still doesn’t work, at all. I guess there’s nobody at CCP during weekends so there will probably no change until Monday or Tuesday… or ever.

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Don’t get over cynical, you certainly have reasons to feel this has not been handled well, from the sheer lack of care and design, the implementation, and the really quite poor resolution of issues.

I think it is much more about the resources, and time, and effort allowed or allocated to these events, It is probably a very small team, that has to beg resources from other departments.

CCP Need to realise that these events attract much larger audiences than they realise, and when they look at the metrics, they should focus on those who do a little at the start, and not think that the reason they don’t go further is because they aren’t interested, they don’t go further because they are either broken, have unrealistic and un-engaging targets, or they are just badly designed. IF the events had just a little more love and care shown to them, Had a bit more developer time allocated to them, and They actually thought about the fun aspect, then they add an incredible amount of value to player engagement and retention.

Unfortunately it appears to be more a cynical effort to allow an absolute minimum of resources to allow for a quick marketing hit.

After all If you read about an amazing restaurant, advertised in all the local papers, you would want to go. If you found your meal, lovingly described in lyrical french, turned out to be a raw slice of pork, with a can of chilli beans poured over it, you aren’t going to enjoy it, and you won’t want to go back, even if it is the only thing on offer.

They are relying on a captive audience who are desperately hungry, and “it will probably be better next time” isn’t cutting it any more.

There is a point where you can cheap out on providing what is necessary for a good event. CCP have apparently resourced far below that level.

I find this proposition far more reasonable than either malice, incompetence, or lack of care by the team creating them. I am sure if they were given the resources to do a good event, they would be exceptional, and we would not be in the place we are now.


so Friday patch notes were a lie to the paying playerbase…



Hey there,

The ``Delve into the Abyss´´ event challenge still does not reset after DT. Friday`s patch did not work for everybody it seems. I also sent a bug report and hope at one point it DOES reset and everybody will get the chance to get their hands on some of the accelerators.



Speaking of birds, it would be nice if @CCP_Falcon chimed in at some point. I know it’s weekend, and a Formula1 weekend at that, but an event feedback thread with well over 300 replies, most of them negative, might be considered an uproar in the community.


No, they were just sloppily implemented. I have 2 characters that have done event stuff, one got the Delve quest reset, the other did not.

7 characters that didn’t reset. out of 7


Same here almost a whole week wasted because the challenge wont reset. both the “Delve int the Abyss” and the “Mutation Experimentation” is stuck at wanting me to use a “Gravid” and I finish the event and not one drop from tier 3 or tier 4.

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I think we have reached the point here and elsewhere, where everyone has come to the conclusion that this Event has been an irredeemable clusterfrack.

For us, the reason doesn’t matter, no explanations excuses or rationalisation will change the impression we have all gained, in the clearest possible manner.

What we can hope is that those directly involved both in the creation and implementation of this, together with those that allocate the time and resources, look long and hard at their undeniable failures and choices, and learn something from it, and in future we hope they will be able to produce valuable work. and they can redeem the situation in that manner.

Spin and marketing will change nothing, any recovery of reputation will come though their actions.

So let’s wait, not for their words but for their actions.

My message is,
“You can do better”
“You deserve to do better”
and we deserve better too.

Be better.

And I genuinely hope you can find your way through this, and set a better path for the future, for the benefit of yourselves, the Player-base and EVE as a whole and everything it brings to the players, and CCP as a business.


this event has been the worst so far with bugs and anti-new pilot friendly. I cant even help my low skill friends do the event. Lets just hope they do a better job next time and remove solo events.


They’ll just extend it 1 week chill out

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They could of course do that. Or they could act in a professional manner, do a full root cause analysis in house, Identify weakness in policy, procedure, and resourcing. and make sure they improve.

but the two are not mutually exclusive, but as to extending it, it’s a bit late for that to be frank. It was born malformed, and hanging on for another week of life does no one any favours.

We don’t need a post mortem, but they certainly need one to fully understand and act on the reasons as to why it was born like that, and make sure what led to it, is solved.

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People have explained in great detail what is wrong with this event, so to share their feelings I’ll just say this is the worst event I have played since october 2017, when I started to play. And it is the first I dont want to finish.

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