Security status effects tethering

What do you mean, they are safe inside shields or Concord can fire thought it, sorry a bit slow this morning

They fire through it. Shields offer no protection if you are -5 sec status.


If you have a criminal flag?

Concord donā€™t attack unless you have a flag. Faction police do if your -5 but will they travel to a pos

And how do you farm clone tags, I can see a need for these soon

With or without a criminal flag.

Now that is good news.

Not ALL gankers have 20+ accounts , also not ALL gankers only kill ONE freighter

The real losers here are the antigankers.

Good luck keeping your community together when Uedama is empty, week after week, with no obvious ball of catalysts sitting on tether to let you know when to gather your forcesā€¦ empty empty empty, no content, no fun, no loot income, no salvage, no ganking, no alpha ag gankers to gank scouts, nothing to do, more boredom than ever before, no newbro gankers to fight, people just never logging in again, community disappears, and then 40 catalysts log in to gank a 50 billion isk freighter and log out.

We will still be there, but you wonā€™t.

Was just going to ask if you was leaving but you added that in, Iā€™m pleased, but as you adapt so will we.

The real tears are gonna flow when super lazy AFK miners think they are actually safe, blinging out their expanded garbage fits and SURPRISE! :fire:


True but change can be interesting

Iā€™m looking forward to watching new player retention plummet when newbro Ventures realize they have to compete against a swarm of ORE harvester hulks, and the price of Veldspar is so low that they have to grind 967 hours a week to PLEX their account.

Theyā€™ll be begging for the gankers to come back.


Thatā€™s why the war dec mechanic needs fixing so only people that are eligible can mine at high volume. Or something like that

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Hypothetically, if ganking goes kaput, wars will be the next thing carebears whine about (again), and weā€™re likely going to see another major nerf within a year or two. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they decide to make it so that the requirement to be war-eligible is to own a large structure at the minimum, or to own multiple structures, or whatever. Or that war fighting can only take place in the system where the structure is located, or maybe only on the same grid.

Carebears will always complain. Thatā€™s EVEā€™s one true constant.


CCP is merely shifting the ā€œfirst major lossā€ from a Venture in Isanamo to an Orca in Ahbazon. New players will ragequit when they lose a thousand times more than they are currently losing. New players who are not exposed to early loss will fit an increasingly expensive ship, until they lose it in a moment with no clue what happened.

Ganking is good for the game, whether carebears admit it or not.


But war is eve :frowning:

The question is whether people like you would exchange blanket anywhere war decs on the people you can currently war dec based on structures for a system where you can war dec any corp but have to maintain a network of observatory type shield/srmour/hull in one go structures that also had a deployment timer and enable you to apply the war in a constellation.

When war decs were being discussed that was my suggestion because it created conflict but was not at all timer based, but more free flowing. The reaction of the war deccers to this suggestion proved to me that they were only interested in their one sided playstyle. It was quite clear they were mainly warbearsā€¦

As for the change in terms of docking and tethering, it is good news because it stops AFK gameplay and creates more dynamic play because timing will be more crucial in terms of gankers. With this one can sit on a gate and wait making the ganker warp from perch to perch it also enables a counter fleet to get in position because not jumping through and waiting for help to arrive is now viable, so when people like Aiko make out that it has a negative impact on AG, it really does not because it would enable people to get in position better if the prey are aware. People can even bait the gankers, so lots of counter play is now possible.

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Is this all confirmed or just some leaks?

And I still miss some kind of summary what exactly is (maybe) going to change, just some snippets here and there do not give me a clear picture.

None of it is officially confirmed.

No idea why CCP thinks speculation and rumormongering is productive.

No itā€™s not. Grinding out trillions of ISK and then selling it on PlayerAuctions in order to pay the lease on the BMW, or appeasing your Chinese sweatshop overlords so that they donā€™t murder your family because you failed to meet your quota for the second day in a row, is EVE.

I get raged by almost every single one of my null-sec victims when I kill them. A certain CSM whom Iā€™m not allowed to talk about or reference by name unless I want to permanently lose access to my accounts has on multiple occasions not only bragged about gutting wars, but mocked the players whose play style that affected.

Check out this rage, that I literally got just a few minutes ago:

Literally a Goon crying about me killing them and insulting me after I ambushed them as they were attacking a citadel that belongs to one of our allies.

After ganking is gone, thereā€™s going to be another ā€œopen letterā€ with a few hundred ā€œsignaturesā€ from characters with no posting history, and two weeks later wars are going to cost a billion ISK each.

That is EVE.


There is no official announcement as far as I know. Just some strings reportedly added to Singularity by Hoboleaks. I have not, as yet, heard that any of these strings are being used on Singularity for any purpose.