Security status effects tethering

That, and CCP moving the goal posts every 5 minutes. I started off in a Procurer…and within a few months of that CCP nerfed Procurers. I almost rage quit back then. So I take up ganking, the very opposite of my mining days, and CCP nerf ganking. The irony. And this constant micro-managing a game that I’m still getting used to is not how to keep people !


“The game grew to fast”.

They got what they wished for with low numbers again.

I Forgot to add this but most people on the current CSM are very anti-ganker. @Brisc_Rubal is one of the only people on the CSM that is pro ganking or pro pvp for that matter. So the CSM is very stacked in the direction of being softer on players.

So, we are truly lost then…

I figured it out a long time ago but never let myself believe it. Times have changed.

It’s not that. It’s just that the interest of null-sec blocs overlaps very much with keeping high-sec as safe as possible. They don’t care about the “poor new players getting griefed” there, they care about keeping their trade routes safe and auxiliary PvE incomes as free from interference as possible.


I was just wondering can ganker use pos shields to hide in, in the absence of tether, I’ve noticed a number being dropped in d scan range of gates of late.

They seem to manage before structures came to eve. I also think as this group of player, ganker are the very Architects of mayhem and Chaos in eve, they worked out how to do things that were never intended to happen. I’m sure they are not going to turn their backs on eve like the very miners they attack.

I bet they find away, I myself will look forward to see what skullduggery they come up with next.


Great at last. This is a change I have long called for, actions have consequences, who would have thought…

In terms of POS’s, yes that would be their way out of it, but if gives you a real target @Githany_Red , my friends did war dec the people running those structures in Uedama which use fighters to decloak DST’s and then had the amusement of watching Destiny and co waste four hours around their war HQ due to some awesome gridfu. I laughed so hard at that one.

@Lucas_Kell I am glad you were right, I have been calling for real consequences like this for a long long time and an end to tethering. I only have to ask, why did it take so damn long.

And for all the whining gankbears, actions have consequences…, at last…



You forgot the part 3. All the low sec players that now no longer have high sec tether. And also maybe no more docking rights for low sec folks in high sec. Additional punishment for people that don’t even PvP in high sec. Hope those players all have dedicated neutral hauler alts – which is what Eve needs, more alts – and hooray for more reasons to Clone Soldier Tag, which is a scarce resource with a hard maximum that the universe supports.

I can forgive you overlooking us low sec folks. CCP does it too, we get the shaft end of all changes, which is probably why there’s so few lowsec folks left in lowsec. Forgotten and with no voice to CCP.


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What actually happened was that your friends used access exploits to make the station impossible to target. We sat there for a few minutes (the repair timer is 15 minutes, not 4 hours Derpvlad), then docked up and filed petitions.

Is the game finally safe enough for you to play it, big boy?

My friend said four hours, I trust him rather than you. Access exploits, an unwarranted accusation there cryboy.

And the game has always been safe enough for me to play, it just got very boring. The problem was that it was too safe for gankers on their tether perches, now that safety has gone, something I have long called for. Hopefully some of my friends that were hunting gankers, who had their gameplay destroyed by tethering will come back, it is a hope but it is there.

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Go ask them how they did it. I’m sure they’ll give you some tips.



We sent in videos too.


You petitioned it too, glorious, you will find out soon that this was another waste of time. :popcorn:

I’m not surprised that someone daft enough to think people would sit for four hours on top of a station that they can’t target that has a 15-minute repair timer would also defend the honor of cheaters just to stick it to someone they dislike on the forums.

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He said that they (RIOT) spent about 3.4-4 hours randomly checking it every so often trying to figure it out, which is what I based my four hours on. I was told that you hung around for an hour in that system and that they tried to bump you during that period, so much for your 15 minutes, you lie so easily.

My friend may be exaggerating as he wants me back in game, so whatever…

You’re so desperate to get a lick in that you throw all common sense out the window, and just try to say whatever you think will cause the most damage, but the side effect of that is that it makes you look like an absolute idiot.

We came to take down the station. We warped to it. We couldn’t target it. We continued trying to target it until the 15-minute reinforcement timer ran out, and then went to the NPC station. Some people, at various points during the remainder of the day before downtime, checked in and tried to see if it was possible to target the station (it wasn’t). I guess that’s where the “4 hours” comes from? But at that point it was no longer a siege effort, and just documentation for support.

I undocked and sat on top of the NPC station for maybe 30-40 minutes while organizing my ticket, and then went back to Amarr. There was no epic struggle in which we crashed against the impenetrable bulwark of the defenders like sea waves against a berm.

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Seems like you finally got your story right. I used Destiny and co as a reference to RIOT, which is why you got confused obviously. And I was called an idiot, lmao…

Sorry did I miss what the problem was with that station

I said it like half a dozen times already.

It couldn’t be targeted.

I was told that there was issues with the grid. Still this is massively off topic due to Destiny’s emotional reaction.

I think you will find hunting of gankers more fun now, tethering made AG a complete waste of time so having that removed is great news for AG as a whole.

As for lowsec players, they have logi alts in any case…, if they don’t they need to get better at Eve. I have logi alts, so if I can do it then they can?


Facpo and CONCORD ignore POS shields. Tested this myself recently.