Security status effects tethering

You got proof of this claim or

Please provide the documents from every other MMO out there saying this.

Thankee :smiley:

Oh. So you found proof that CCP endorses griefing? Please share with the class :smiley:

When you read the reddit thread, it sounds like you still can dock. However I see what you’re saying and agree.

Yep. My thing is, why do we not get bonuses for being -10 in low sec?

Should it be the opposite too then? That positive sec peeps can’t dock in ships in low sec?

The only confirmed griefer here is you my boy :smiley:

Still, if this is true then it’s a sad day.

As I said, once the slope starts sliding, it’ll keep going.


I like how you dodged all the things :smiley:

No worries. I know why :smiley:

I’ll be waiting for that proof from the other MMOs :smiley:


consequences (2 parts)

  1. You break the laws in hisec there are now things that happen. You can still gank with an alpha character IF you first touch base in lowsec to change your sec status. If you are a ‘known pirate/killer’ then yeah you don’t get to dock in law abiding space. These are natural consequences of choices the player makes.

  2. CCP will be watching to see what the consequences of this change are in regards to player retention. That is what they do . . . (see Blackout for example). Some have used the argument that if CCP did not want hisec ganking to happen, if CCP thought it was having an effect on their bottom line then CCP would do something about it. Now they have.

well? there ya go



So basically anyone can keep creating endless Alpha accounts and keep right on ganking…

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no and yes the only thing an alpha would be able to gank is a venture

Here’s the thing bruv, the more it gets restricted, the more it will keep going.

Until finally this game will not really be this game anymore.

It also further nerfs the low sec lifestyle. The only reason ganking became so big is the war dec nerfs, the mission hub revamp and the absolute no need really to go into low sec at all.

If this goes thru, its another sad day in EVE.

What’s funny is people celebrating this because all they wanna do is mindlessly grind ISKies in complete safety.

What you don’t understand is the stories are already going away. The ability to craft your own journey and create memories is fading because player’s agency is slowly being stripped away.


A ganker corp full of Alphas in Catalysts would still be able to gank barges and haulers…


well yes but its still going to be much harder without L5 skills and what not, plus only one person per account so your group would have to be very large

And EVE becomes one step closer to Hello Kitty Online…



And I’m afraid some might find the name QuakeGod intimidating…so you’re gonna have to change it to Lolcat Kittybunny to comply with the next rule changes.

Why don’t you answer my question? Asking for a friend.


CCP should be extremely concerned that an average player like Altara Zemara feels like leaving. I’ve tried to represent the average noob here for a year or so, but CCP are like doctors of old applying leeches to a dying patient…whose only solution when that fails is to apply more leeches.

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Time for some more microtransactions and login rewards!

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Unfortunately, Mike Azariah doesn’t actually represent new players, but he pretends to and has scammed CCP into thinking that he speaks for the new players. The result has been a trend toward foolish carebear policies which are ineffective and increase player retention.

Boredom, not griefing, is what causes people to leave the game.


Wow. I managed to scam CCP, eh?

That would make me a top tier player, no? Nah, probably not.

I disagree, Aiky . . . but then you know that. I do represent a portion of the game and you may not like that. You represent a portion of the game as well. I have served 5 years as an elected member of the CSM on the basis of being a reasonable person from hisec. How many have you served?

But that is a derailment of the convo. The topic at hand is the changes to tethering, safety settings and alpha accounts. All seem to indicate that CCP has decided that some things need to change. Now you can agree with them or disagree . . . discuss or derail. Ball is back in your court.



Yes, you are dishonest.

No, you do not represent anyone.

You are no longer on the CSM.

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Ganking is a red herring for the problem that is actually responsible for affecting EVE’s player retention: the market’s perception that EVE is a boring, vastly overpriced MMO with pay-to-win mechanics that requires players to wait for two years before doing anything fun.

Even completely getting rid of high-sec PvP isn’t going to change that. There might be a little blip where some people who quit before come back to try the new, “fixed” EVE, but they’ll be gone two weeks later, and their negative Steam reviews aren’t going to be edited.

There are many games with uncompromising open-world PvP mechanics that are stable and doing well; PvP is not the issue. Hardcore survival games comprise one of the more popular PC gaming genres. CCP not properly developing and marketing their only title is the issue.


The trouble is that neither yourself or anyone at CCP have actually been a noob for ages. Thus you are remembering noob mentality with retrospective hindsight. What actually happens to noobs is well documented in my own posts here. I started off totally anti ganking…but that phase actually doesn’t last all that long, and I think you’ll find that most noobs, as with me, go on to grasp just how boring highsec would be without the risk that being ganked brings.

Thus a nerf to ganking may well rescue a few under 3 or 4 month old noobs and the concurrency may well increase for a bit. But then CCP will find it falling again, as all the rescued noobs get bored of a safer highsec.

Heck, yes…I predict precisely that. Will say ‘I told you so’ in 6 months time.


Looks like we need to make every day Orcageddon and Burn Jita before this update hits…