Seeking Rising Fleet Commanders

We are looking for dedicated fleet, wing, squad commanders … and members.

You have ambitions? Been a FC before and feeling rusty after a break?
Our alliance has training programs to achieve your goals.

Recruitment status: green

Doors are open. Come visit us on Discord.

Ships are ammo. And we are locked and loaded.

We are looking for members, dedicated fleet, wing and squad commanders.

Recruitment status: active

If you have questions or want to apply, please contact us:

  • In-game recruitment channel Am0k. Public
  • Discord

We are looking for dedicated fleet, wing, squad commanders … and members.

You have ambitions? Been a FC before and feeling rusty after a break?
Our alliance has training programs to achieve your goals.

Recruitment status: green

Doors are open. Come visit us on Discord.

We’re seeking Fleet Commanders, Op Runners & other fellow pilots to fly with, Enlist Now

Recruitment status: green

Ships are ammo. And we are locked and loaded.

We are looking for dedicated fleet, wing, squad commanders … and members.

You have ambitions? Been a FC before and feeling rusty after a break?
Our alliance has training programs to achieve your goals.

If you have questions or want to apply, please contact us:

  • In-game recruitment channel Am0k. Public
  • Discord

We are looking for members, dedicated fleet, wing and squad commanders.

Ships are ammo. And we are locked and loaded.

Doors are open. Come visit us on Discord.

Why give up your dream of being a Rokh star?

Recruitment status: green