Looking for new friendly nullsec

Started playing a few years ago but didn’t really get into the game. Returning this time want to leave high sec and experience the rest of eve.

UK based
6M Skillpoints

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You Are Welcome With us :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello we are The Order of Omerta and we are looking for some pilots to our ranks. We have a hisec Corp and a nullsec Corp so regardless of where you like to fly we got a place for you here.

We do:
Jukebox mining fleets
PVE fleets
PVP fleets
Indy projects
Trivia nights
FW fleets
US/EU tz but looking to grow AU as well.

We require:
3.5 million SP minimum (nullsec Corp)
Mic to be on coms
ESI check ( both corps for the safety of the group )
Active at least once or more a month.

We love to have fun and don’t take the game too serious. We do have goals to work for and do so together as a team.

We live in Nullsec but have a separate Highsec Corp for newer players or those who love hs but still want to be part of a family. We share coms and try to do joint fleets when possible with our sister Corp. If you like HS or null we got a place for you.

We are looking for people who will join coms and get in fleets with us as we want to grow the community. If you’re a wall flower there are other Corps for you but it ain’t us, we want friends.

If you like fun with a good group of drama free people then come see us

Fly safe o7

Hey there,

Come to our Running with Dogs discord server and have a chat and check out our ad to see if we have what you’re looking for :dog: :vulcan_salute: :100:


Hey Aderon Cadelanne!

Fantastic to see a pilot like you ready to venture beyond high sec and truly dive into the vast intricacies of EVE! Welcome back to New Eden!

Our corp, Cryptopia, nestled within a C2 wormhole with LS/C2 statics, might just be the sanctuary you’re searching for. Here’s why:

  1. Safe Learning Environment: The C2 wormhole with its LS/C2 statics offers a comparatively secure playground to get a grip on wormhole mechanics. Perfect for those looking to expand their horizons without diving into the deep end straight away!
  2. Expert Guidance: We have seasoned veterans adept at guiding newer or returning pilots in the nuances of J-space living. We’ve been there, done that, and are eager to pass on our wisdom!
  3. UK Companionship: A good chunk of our pilots, including me, hail from the UK. So, rest assured, you’ll have plenty of fellow Brits to share both space tales and tea times with!
  4. Reacclimation Hub: Many of us, much like you, are returning players. With an array of skill levels, Cryptopia offers a comforting space to re-familiarise oneself with the game. It’s like a support group for EVE returnees!
  5. Similar Stories: One of our UK-based pilots shares a background quite akin to yours. Though he’s still finding his footing this time around, it’s heartening to witness his journey and growth. It could be a reflection of what awaits you!

With just 6M Skillpoints, you’re at a stage where the EVE universe is ripe for exploration, learning, and thrilling adventures. We’d be over the moon to have you with us, guiding and supporting your journey, every warp, and jump of the way.

Feel free to hit us up on Discord [CYPTA] Cryptopia and learn more about the exciting possibilities ahead. Here’s to charting new territories and experiencing the grandeur of EVE together!

Fly safe, and see you among the stars!

Warmest regards,
Serathi Geos
CEO, Cryptopia

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