🚀 [SEKER] Tempered Aggression [AU-EU] Low-Sec PvP + Industry

Looking for AU and EU PVP pilots, if you’ve got an interest in industry, that’s also a bonus!

Bumpy Bump


Bump! :saluting_face:


AUTZ bump for an awesome corp! :smiley: come join the shennanagains

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Thanks mate :saluting_face:


Looking for AU / EU Low-Sec PVP and Industry pilots :muscle:

AU/EU bump!

Bump :sunglasses:

Looking for AU and early EU pilots to help keep building a decent community.

Looking for a community centric group, where you can enjoy various PVP activities alongside building capital ships, in the AU-EU timezone? Then we might be a good fit for you. Come and have a chat!

AU-EU PvP and Industry bump, we’re expanding :rocket:

Santa told me to bump