Selling my Exhumers pilots, selling them individually for the buyout prices of 5 bil each or pack of 4 for 17.5 bil. The Offer ends on the 21.07.2018 16:00 Eve Time.
what skills are needed for a modulated strip miner II im looking for hulk pilot… but need to be able to mine NS ores EDIT: obv not in game cannot look … or wouldnt ask… i am interested if the train is close
Not sure tbh, as the characters are not Omega anymore I cannot check to see how long would the train take, not a miner on my mains accounts, but as far as I know to actually be able to use specific crystals for all the type of ores … now that will be a long train, but again, is just what I heard not sure about it myself. maybe someone that knows more about mining can answer that question. The accounts can use stip miners II, but not using cristals with those Strip Miners II …
As far as eve says, the char would need over 2 days to use Velspadar T2 Crystal, but then again about 26 days for Arkonor Crystal II … so it probably depends on what you wanna mine tbf