Selling 8,000 Skill extractors - 470m each

Only able to check in about once a day or so, please be patient if you put a contract up or request one.

6300 left, still 470m each, currently 13m under jita buy.

Roughly 5000 left, still below jita buy price.

can you contract 500 to me in lots of 100?

they are up


could I get 1k more?

in stacks of 100 again if possible

put up 8 more in stacks of 100, im out of available contracts, will put two more up as soon as others accept theirs.

1,700 left.

If you haven’t sold the rest you can contract them all to me

I’d love a tiny little contract of 50 if possible. thanks in advance!

Im in need of 200 please (bulk discount :slight_smile: )

can you contract 200 Skill Extractors to me please. Thanks!

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