Selling Amarr Dread / Anshar Alt 29.7 Mill SP

Looking at offers. Positive wallet, positive sec status, located in Jita at 4-4 In Station, No Jump Clones, No Kill Rights. Transfer isk to this char.

17 bil offer

18B Offer

19B isk

Thank you for offers but will need a bit more before I let go of this character.

20B Final offer

What is your BO price?

Price? 22b possible?

22B Final offer

Still for sale?

24b offer

Is this still for sale?

14 b offer

24b offer

Character is still for sale

First to offer 30 billy get’s the char

30b BO

Winner winner chicken dinner.

Send isk over and give me the necessary info and I will begin transfer.

EVE mail sent with acct info, isk sent

Character Transfer Initiated, enjoy!

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