Selling Supercarrier (Hel) pilot 49.8m SP

Skills :

In npc corp
positive wallet
starting bid 50 bill
reserve: hidden
B/O at this time offers will be entertained
Bidding will end 5 days after first bid over starting (this post has been edited so bids prior to 23/05/2019 were price checks.

1 Like

50b isk


55B ?

bumpty bump


56 bil


bump 58 gets it

58 bil B\O . Confirm BO and I send the money. Also sent you ingame email

Pulling the character from sale.

What does it mean ? Are you agree to sell it to me? Or do you cancel it from sale?

if you are still looking for a character i might be willing to sell this guy
if the isk is good enough

if you are about i will sell the character for 58bill as agreed but i only have an hour before i must go

Before sending the isk I need the confirmation that you are ready and agree to sell it. Please reply “I agree to sell character for 58 bil to Evgen Hakaari”. In this case my payment is covered by CCP if you don’t send the character.

I agree to sell character for 58 bil to Evgen Hakaari, there you go :slight_smile:

Isks have been sent

i will be able to set transfer at 5pm gmt +0


31 May 2019 17:35

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