Shadow Galactic Enterprise -SGE- Is recruiting (English Only)

Looking for new and experienced pilots, alpha or omega, we have a spot for you!

At Shadow Galactic Enterprise we cover it all, from:

Small gank pvp
Mission running/plexing/mining
Wormhole exploration

We accomodate all. No minimum skillpoints required.

Perks of joining us are:

Gain extensive knowledge of Eve from veteran pilots
Low tax rate (100% goes back into corporation)
Boosted fleets PVP/Mining/Missioning
Ore buy-back program
Extensive R&D program
Starter Ships
Many more…

US &/EU / AU Timezones (English Only)
Full API Required

Join our public channel -SGE- ingame and one of our recruiters will be more than happy to talk to you!

Still recruiting.

Come hang out on our discord.

Still recruiting! Join our public channel -SGE- in game.

Still Recruiting. Come check us out…

Recruiting leadership roles. Join our discord or public channel -SGE- to find out more.

still recruting, check us out!

Come have a talk, we are growing strong.

Still Recruiting.

mail me in game? I would like to talk with you about possibly coming over

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