Thanks for the feedback. Let me try to reply to your remarks.
Seems that both ships lost as well as ships killed stop at 2000
When was this data taken from?
Let me start by explaining the timespan from which the data was taken.
The zkillboard data interface I use allows to retrieve kills or losses for a specific ship. It can retrieve a maximum of 2000 entries. Because I want to evaluate the kills and losses over the same timeframe I only take the kills and losses into account that are within the same timeframe. For example when retrieving Merlin data I got 2000 kills and 2000 losses. But when checking the timeframe of this data you see that there’s basically more losses than kills. Therefor I limit the kills to match the same timeframe as the 2000 losses. In the case of the Merlin there were 353 kills in the timeframe of the 2000 losses. For other ships this timeframe can be different. For ships that are not often used the timeframe can be quite different. Perhaps it’s better to remove the losses/kills altogether because they are only confusing.
kills per 10M ISK
Really cannot calculate this … one pilot with one ship could hve gootten all the kills in that class, with all the other pilots dying …
What you say is true. But due to the fact that (for most ships) there is quite some data, the effect of one single pilot will be small. The way this is calculate is that it takes the ratio of the total kills over the total value of the ships (Jita ship price + fitted modules) that were lost. It’s a measure of how much kills you can expect on average when flying that ship per invested 10M ISK.
value destroyed per value in ship:
How do you figure this? Really have no idea of how much the ship that won the fight was was worth only the ones that lost.
You have a good point there, we can’t know the value of the ship that obtained a kill.
The way I approached it is that I assumed that the average value of e.g. a Merlin loss (Jita ship price + fitted modules ) is a good approximation for the average value of a Merlin. Some Merlins will be worth more, and some will be worth less. The ships that obtain kills are probably worth slightly more than the ones that get killed. I’m open for ideas on how to have a better estimate for this.
value dropped per value in ship:
Same question as above. Perhaps an average drop rate would be better, though … to be honest this really depends on what the targets are …
For dropped value there’s a lot of things that can influence the data. Some ships are used for ganking (hi-sec) cargo transports, which can skew the results a lot. All-in-all I think it is still a good measure to show how effectively the EVE population is using the ships.
This is also a general remark on the data. This data does not necessarily show how good a certain ship is, but rather how the EVE population is using it in the current meta.