Should life be harder for gankers?

Lazies, people who feel that they should be able to play EVE like a single player game and miserable egocentrics who want everything removed they don’t personally like.

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The two sides I see are the forum baiters and the NPCs that take the bait.

I prefer these master baiters. They know how to have fun!

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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From just a few crying obsessives who create an army of alts to try to make it appear they have ‘support’. Seriously…it really is about three fanatical people who post ALL the anti gank threads and posts. They are oblivious to reason or rationale. They don’t actually even play Eve at all, and there’s no evidence any of them have ever been ganked.

The whole ‘ganking is out of control’ thing is pure nonsense. I fly all over Eve in gankable ships. I transport expensive stuff. My yearly Eve stats email said I was in the top 2% of stargate jumps in Eve…yet that’s a year in which I was never once ganked.

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And then the gank happened, lol…

The whole ‘ganking is out of control’ thing is pure nonsense.

There is an entire alliance dedicated to ganking


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Meh…just a few weeks ago I flew 450m worth of totally unarmed Guardian through Uedama. Of course I had a trick up my sleeve too, but that’s how I avoid being ganked.


I know you’re right @Aisha_Katalen .
For miners, haulers, or mission runners calling for this removal of gankers, please consider mining, hauling, and mission running is dreadfully easy once you get it figured out. Take the threat of ganking as just a bit more of an added challenge. Ganking haulers, miners, and mission runners in high sec is already difficult to do. It required lots of patience, and generally requires the hauler, mission runner, or miner to make a mistake.
I know, I know, this means you are not safe loading up your hauler max fit for cargo and auto piloting between trade hubs. Your mackinaw is not safe afk mining while you watch a movie with your spouse. But consider if there is no risk at all to hauling things around hubs, then there is no reason why there will be any price differential, and your gameplay will disappear. The cost of high sec minerals will plummet and there will be no point in mining.
High Sec PvP needs to be encouraged, not nerfed.
Make high sec exciting again!


There is at least two alliances dedicated to ganking

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Sure, I pass them numerous times a day without being ganked. Maybe that’s because they know I fit my ships to avoid being ganked and am not lazy at such like most of their targets. And they know by now that I have ways of avoiding their chain of scouts that report a target coming from several systems away. And I know the best moment to go through systems like Uedama. AND…I have Intel on them…in fact many a time the person providing my corp with intel on them is me…intel many seem to ignore, alas.

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There’s a sucker born every minute in EVE…

Hello @Arthur_Aihaken,
I know you addressed this to Altara, but I hope you don’t mind me responding. Every time I have been killed by players in High Sec it was because I was bored, and I accepted the fight that they were trying to prod me into.

As a hauler, you have the advantages. You have the initiative, unless you give it up. You choose the ship you are hauling with, set it up to discourage ganks. You can use the cloak/microwarp jump trick and be almost invulnerable if you are paying attention.

As a miner, you have the advantage. It is very difficult for gankers to even get on grid with you if you are paying attention.

The only time I have been killed in high sec space I don’t consider it a gank because I took the bait and initiated the fight that was offered me. Fighting in this game is fun. It is the primary thing that the game is designed around. High sec needs more fights, not less.

Make high sec exciting again!


Now now…we don’t want to hear all about your expertise podding 10K capsules.

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Some people want equality of outcome not equality of opportunity, they want the rewards without the effort. They’re perpetual victims because that is the only excuse they have for why they don’t do so well and it allows them feel sorry for themselves while at the same time garner pity in the hopes that results in things being given to them.

There is no amount of reasoning that will persuade them otherwise because they don’t WANT to be. It doesn’t suit their business model.


There are those that are great at the game and then there are those who tell everyone they are great at the game.

The first kind is too busy demonstrating his greatness with his deeds in game to be spending all day in the forum. The second kind is Altara.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Well known solo ganker Guybertini twice tried to gank my poor ‘noob’ Alpha in Mirilene system…and failed both times. Far from being ganked I got two kill rights ! See…those ‘poor noobs’ in their Ventures can get away. It just requires paying attention and not watching Netflix.

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Hey…even great people need a break now and then. At least I undock and put my money where my mouth is…which there is zero evidence you have ever done :slight_smile:

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All day every day polluting the forum with your “greatness” is not “now and then”.

No… you’re a talker, not a doer. Just like the rest of the NPCs in here.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


@RGC_Godfather Shooting up someone’s spaceship in a spaceship combat simulator is perfectly fine. Good lord, do you go to judo tournaments and demand that no one is allowed to throw other people to the mat?

Why are you trying to suck all the fun out of the game?


Meh…let me know when your chars collectively have 2.4 Trillion ISK in kill assists. Oh…wait…that’s not gonna happen sitting in station in Jita is it.

This is really all it takes 99% of the time.