No, yours doesn’t. Single use means one use only. Like a missile, which you fire and can no longer retrieve. Or a booster, which you activate and once it has run out can it no longer be used. That’s what single use means.
Also in your example do you only list an edge case, which does not make the item single use. It’s merely difficult or impossible to pick up in some circumstances.
You then want to repurpose a QoL item, which has established its use among the players, and replace it for a pointless idea in return.
From an NPE perspective it is necessary and more straightforward to err on the side of this edge case descriptive language. Alphas can deploy MTUs yet they must upgrade to Omega to fly Noctis. ‘Single Use’ descriptive language makes the process of deployment and reuse a bit more clear than some convoluted limited use statement.
The Noctis is the exception to MTU scooping and alphas cannot pilot the Noctis.
Nonsense. Players love their MTUs and only because it can be launched from any ship and get picked up again has it become popular.
Your idea is pointless, because with your idea will hardly anyone be using MTUs any longer. And anyone who can fly a Noctis and is forced to use it only to pick up their MTU will skip MTUs and go straight back to using the Noctis directly, because it can tractor more and faster and salvage at the same time.
You just think you had a great idea. But you don’t. You didn’t think this through at all.
And why are you keen on denying Alphas now the use of MTUs? Your logic is only getting more absurd.
No, MTUs are still exceedingly useful with tractor range and free up a pilot to do something other than resource collection.
I hope I have been clear about this. Under this proposal you can still deploy and loot the contents of your own MTU.
If alphas want to take continued advantage of enhanced resource collection with MTUs (while mitigating costs) they will need an Omega buddy to pick up the MTU for re-use. Resource collection limitations are already an alpha design philosophy. This proposal allows CCP to make MTU re-use an omega perk via Noctis piloting.
Yes, you have and I’m telling you that it’s a train wreck of an idea. Nor is your self-entitled attitude in regards to what Alphas should and shouldn’t have not supporting your idea in the slightest. Taking away QoL items from Alphas is going to give the game only more of a “pay to win” look.
You’re being hyperbolic. Alphas can still deploy and loot contents of their MTU. Alphas can still load up salvager 1s on a dessie and warp/zoom around to wrecks. If an alpha chooses to deploy an MTU without the intention of getting someone else to recollect it for them they will need to weigh the cost to benefit on their time. That is not a pay to win scenario.
No, you are definitely being selfish here when you as an Omega want to decide what an Alpha should be allowed to play with.
What Alphas should and shouldn’t have is entirely for CCP to decide and on how they see a free-to-play model fit into their business. At no point should any player, paying or not, decide on what those who are less fortunate deserve or what they should and shouldn’t be allowed to play with. To do so is the very definition of self-entitlement.
You’re only further unfolding the train wreck you have here.
I appreciate the interaction, regardless of how misguided you appear. Both you and I are providing feedback that CCP can do with as they please. I would argue that essentially making MTU re-use (an enhanced resource collection device) an Omega perk would benefit CCP’s free-to-play model as it encourages interaction between alphas and omegas. You are most welcome to make counter-arguments.
No, you don’t. You still only think you had a great idea and are far from the reality. You’re not willing to move an inch on it and instead imagine that only good would ever come from it. Nobody in their sound mind would think their idea is infallible and yet that’s exactly what you think it is.
I can take a single use moist towelette and wipe my nether region multiple times. It’s not recommended, but it can be done.
Applying a hard limitation on language as you are doing here is stifling and misses the flexibility of intention that exists in reality…not an academic monolith.
Why are you getting hung up on this? The only one here being actively belligerent toward the OP, is you. Disagreement is fine but you are making ad hominem attacks of self-entitlement attitudes and ‘you cannot be helped’
I’m not, but you are. I have pointed out the flaw in my first comment to emphasis on the lack of thought, which has been missing here throughout. You replied to it and here we are with you telling me to move on. You need to move on.
Feeling somewhat clueless. Maybe I’ve missed something in this thread or in game play, but what is so game unbalancing about MTU scooping as it is now, that Alphas should face (another) penalty for flying on the free by putting this change in place? Before I can decide other than ‘ain’t broke dn’t fix’ I would like to know what’s currently broken please.
If we honestly boil it down, the only Noctis buffs that will radically encourage ship use are either enhancing drop quality of loot (not just current bonus of faster cycle time) or nuking salvager cycle times on anything other than the noctis. Both are flawed.
Enhancing drop salvage quality on Noctis would have a cascade effect in flooding market with more materials.
Nuking salvager cycles on any ship that’s not a Noctis would hurt alphas trying to salvage on dessies and any salvager trying to reclaim loot through a frigate wormhole.
Integrating MTU pick up to Noctis would most certainly curtail MTU use in high/low sec and multi-room dungeons. The supply of salvaged materials would also most certainly shrink however this in turn raises their value and the value to people pursing a niche in independent and group salvage/theft operations.
Mobile Tractor Units can tidy up the room before a noctis lands as a mater of convenience, but a player doesn’t immediately think the Noctis is the go-to tool for salvaging. The Noctis’ intended role as a tractor/salvager ship can be accomplished by other ships and devices relatively cheaply and safely in comparison without painting as clear of a target oneself. It is a very niche ship.
Buffing the Noctis with things like AoE salvage tractors, tractoring in yellow wrecks, increasing salvage range to exceed that of MTUs, adding base warp stability, CovOps cloaking, etc. could all certainly enhance the niche of the Noctis, yet once again its not changing the quality of the drop chance in salvage that you could get with any other ship if you’re willing to wait a little longer on cycle times. If item quality was improved because you were salvaging with the Noctis rather than another ship that would immediately make it a required tool for salvage ops because players are losing out on potential salvage profits otherwise. However, this introduces a new faucet which may not be healthy for the player economy.
With this proposal, making the noctis the only ship that can pick up deployed MTU would effectively close some of this faucet flow through changes in player behavior without the developers needing to change too many variables in how the MTU and Noctis currently operate. Salvage would assuredly rise price and determined players would rise to take advantage of this situation.
MTUs would still remain incredibly useful and there is no change in being able to loot one’s own MTU. It just cannot be picked up without the aid of a noctis.
You may see fleets of noctis scouring sites to help missioners or harass them and in turn you’d see player groups assemble to gank or defend the noctis fleets.
I know what MTUs do, as well as Noctis. I’ve used both, though not together. I clear my own wrecks, usually in the same ship I ran that mission/site/whatever in since the timing on wrecks vanishing changed a while back. What I’m curious about is why a change on MTU scooping would be needed. What is happening now (that I honestly could’ve missed!) that is unbalancing enough to call for such a change?
Basically, what is actually broken with current MTU scoop mechanics, that it would need fixing?
Salvage is a resource. Alphas should be limited in the speed they can generate resources for item production. This is like mining. We already have limits to the pace alphas can mine at. An MTU speeds up the pace you can gather the ‘rocks’ in once place for ‘mining.’ If the quality of ‘rocks’ in an area is high an alpha will find the sunk cost of deploying an MTU that they themselves are unable to pick back up justifiable. That alpha may reach out to a friend or player group who is Omega to collect their MTU for re-use.
I am less thinking of this in terms of fixing an issue, more enhancing a niche by creating reliance on a ship to collect a deployed object. This is a monetizeable relationship for CCP because the Noctis is already an Omega only ship.
Alphas are throttled across the board already. Limited on ships, on skill points normally earned skill points, limited on speed of getting those SPs, limited on mods, skills (types & levels), drones & probably more I can’t recall off the top of my head. So their resource earning methods are already hobbled. Why crank the thumbscrews even tighter? Eve online can use all the active (non-toxic) gamers we can get at this point.
I cannot in clear conscience agree with a change that’s not fixing a known problem, would take valuable Dev time off other actual known issues & incompleted UI changes just to shoehorn ‘someone’ into a specific play style under the banner of what could be possibly considered busywork or change for change’s sake. CCP already has in place several legit methods of monetization for Eve. Sorry, this one falls in the ‘ain’t broke don’t fix’ bin.