Singularity down

how long till it is up again?

It’s been hour already and still not up

actually 2 hours i think

probably they still work on another update…testing stuff so vip mode etc.

Would love to have them make another copy from TQ.

ah it’s back online :smiley:

Is Singularity down at the moment?

I think its down
because I can’t enter

It was probably in DT, but they were having issues with it as well

They did a fresh mirror so it could take a bit

My Singularity is down on my end. Tried restarting network, but connection failure

Having a Issue as well.

Is anybody else having this same issue? Looks like I am not alone here

Perhaps we shoudl send this to the developers to determine the issue.

I repeat, singularity is currently down due to a HTTP Error 500.30

Down over here as well.

Gonna do TQ until SISI is fixed

Singularity is frequently taken offline for patching or maintenance without notice; it is the development test server, after all.

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We are not guaranteed access to the test server.

Any new updates?