Skiff Ungankable?

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anyhow that zkill page is the proof that the catalyst is imbalanced.


Gankers only get money from people who overestimate their safety as part of a poor risk assessment, ergo that’s included in the principles I already outlined.

No it’s not included.

You can’t tell if the person is overestimating his safety unless he is ganked - at which point there is no point in making such a judgement.

Your affirmation is just plain BS.

I think a scan of their ships gives a good indication of their safety overestimation.

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The gankers seem to be able to tell when someone has put some valuables on the field without adequate protection. I would imagine they frequently find this information before their target dies.

At least, I think I could and would make such an assessment, and if I can, I think it would be arrogant of me to think others did not.

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still. Scanning someone is not ganking him.

You can’t tell if the risk estimation was good or not until you gank him.

I made several tests and the gankers even attack people who are ATK. Therefore in those cases the evaluation of the risk is nonexistent.

In hi-sec a Skiff will more than pay for itself vs a Procurer before it’s finally ganked. Especially with a DC2 and appropriate shield hardeners.

For low-sec yeah a Procurer with plat insurance. If barge dies it dies.

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Equivalently fit procurers and skiffs will (approximately) have:

85k EHP
9.46 m3/s
60kk ISK

103k EHP
20.1 m3/s
250kk ISK

So you need to consider if you can mine enough in hisec to make up the difference in cost between the fit. 10.6 m3/s vs 190kk ISK is the factor you should look at here. How quickly can that extra mining capability pay off 190 million?
10.6m3/s is 109 units of veldspar per second (1,850 ISK on buy - or 28 hours of mining. 2,280 ISK on sell - or 23 hours of mining)

This is purely mining, not hauling your prize etc, and then there is the training commitment to get into the skiff on top of that which could be spent on industrial skills instead.

Miners tend to be creatures of habit and stay in the same constellations, which I never understood in hisec. I don’t know if there is a way to see how often individual pilots loose their skiffs vs the hours they spent in them but I think if we assume miners mine for two hours a night (again, strip miner active time, not travel times etc), a skiff would have to survive two weeks of mining.

Personally I doubt they last that long.

waht ?

22.2 m³/s. without boost. for 55M, with 70k EHP.

edit : and with DC II it’s 75k EHP

edit² :


25.7 m³/s, 108k EHP, 285M.

My Retriever has lasted 3 years.

High Sec mining is considerably safer than the propoganda would have us believe. I’m regularly in Systems with 5+ other players in Retrievers, random people I don’t know who just also happen to be mining in a Retriever where I am mining.

That’s not to say that mining ships don’t die, of course. But they probably don’t die particularly more than any other ship does, but people focus on mining ship loss because ermahgerd CODE panic.

On any day where say, 10 Ventures died, so did 10 Vexors or 10 Rifters, but there’s no focus on that.

The dozens of miners mining happily and returning home without incident every day don’t make the headlines.


That would be saying “kill me please”.

I used to mine in a hulk , it lasted long enough, it’s not that hard, set them to red, if any non mining ship gets on grid, warp away and let them die of boredom

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You may have miscalculated that one. The Skiff has higher yield, but not more than twice higher. Did you forget that the Procurer too can use two lasers?

Also if you have an orca around with bursts and reppers you can ruin their day

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as soon as you have two accounts, not running an orca is ruining your day.


I didnt factor in drones

3 years of the mining lasers/strip miners being active, or three years total. I specified two weeks of active mining time, and am estimating an average survival, rather than individual exceptions.

Two weeks of active mining time is at the very least 3 weeks of actual gametime, assuming the person is playing in the evenings and literally doing nothing else but mining and hauling minerals.