Skills Descriptions and Tooltips Refer To Old "Energized Plating" Names

In Patch Notes 2020-08-11.1 the Energized Plating Group, Market Group, and associated module groups were generally renamed to Energized Armor Membrane.

However, the skills EM Armor Compensation, Explosive Armor Compensation, Kinetic Armor Compensation, and Thermal Armor Compensation all still have descriptions referring to Energized Plating (emphasis mine):

5% bonus to X resistance per level for Armor Coatings and Energized Platings.

This also appears in the skill tooltip on the character sheet for a mouse hover event.

The skill descriptions should all be updated to say:

5% bonus to X resistance per level for Armor Coatings and Energized Armor Membranes.


These non-updated skill descriptions remain in the 19.02 2021-03-16.1 release.

These non-updated skill descriptions remain in the 19.02 2021-03-23.1 release.
Screen Shot 2021-03-25 at 09.07.37

These non-updated skill descriptions remain in the 19.02 2021-03-30.1 release.

Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 20.14.57

These non-updated skill descriptions remain in the 19.02 2021-04-06.1 release.

Have you actually filed a bug report for this?

Thanks, I had not realized “Localization” was a Bug Report category.

The bug ID is EBR-217442.

:+1: Hopefully that will get some attention to it, since the Devs rarely crawl the forum for bugs - it’s more a space for players to let each other know if something is a bug vs intended but unintuitive, or if there are workarounds for known (bug reported) issues.

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