Everything is blank in SKINR for me - no saved SKINs, Studio, Paragon Hub, design elements, etc. You can view a ship but that’s about it…
This doesn’t need its own thread
Not anymore it doesn’t… Mods, feel free to remove as this is now covered by the announcement from CCP Arcade. Thanks.
My saved skins are gone!
300plex down the drain
There’s a fix coming - don’t panic…
SKINR still broken
If only there was a public test server that would catch these problems before it disrupts TQ.
You can thank the residents of nullsec for that…
Nullbears ruin everything
Can’t wait for the day they pull SKINR and refund all skillpoints… even though I won’t place a single SP into any of those ridiculous skills.
Imagine SKILLS that get you to buy more PLEX. lol
Level V Gullible.
Some of us actually like and use SKINR. You don’t have to be quite so cynical… SKINs have always been available for ISK or PLEX - so I don’t really see the difference with SKINR…
Closed in response to a request from the Op.