CCP is ignoring the SKINR thread, found here:
CCP is of the opinion, apparently, this issue is resolved, I disagree.
And, as I’m something of a skin “junkie”, (Sere has over 700 skins, lol), and since, I’ve sold quite a number of skins (and CCP put my name and face on the final product), and as I’ve nothing else to do at the moment, I thought I’d create a thread to discuss this situation. It’ll probably get moved; but, currently what you see in the Paragon Hub for sale may or may not be…what you actually get, when the skin is applied.
Now my question for discussion is:
“Should CCP acknowledge this situation” or “Shut down SKINR Until (And/Or If) the Paragon Hub Can Guarantee You, The Purchaser, Actually Gets What’s Advertised”?
What follows is my proof. I’m actually lucky in that I screenshot, lots of my stuff. And, personally, I’d actually be fine, if CCP just acknowledged there is still an issue.
But, they haven’t. And, I have no confidence CCP will.
So, in the interest of informing the player base, and for the purpose of this discussion, is CCP correct in their stance and we, the buyers, just need to be aware, or…what? What happens when the skin, we paid for, doesn’t match the sales image in the Paragon Hub?
My Proof:
These are side by side shots of the skin as it is presented for sale, in the Hub, and what it looks like when applied.
This is an astero skin, which is very different to what is advertised, even given the difference in lighting conditions.
It’s “face” is gone. It was called One-Eyed Jack for a reason.
The colors on this Jag are different. I didn’t put any white in that.
I bought this skin with blue accents on top of the screen, and now I’ve got green…everywhere. I don’t want green…everywhere.
What happened to the black right next to the Gallente emblem. Did those pesky flying rats scanning my ship in station currently “scour” my color off?
I had blue accents in back, and blue on the side. Why can’t I still have that?
Granted, this is more subtle, but I want my green to blue fade. I don’t want a solid, with a chunky blue topping sort of dripping down one side. I didn’t order this.
Seven, 2
What happened to the orange, and where are my stripes? I didn’t order a “solid black” engine.
Well, words fail me. There’s no blue on that ship skin, at all.
Too much red. Way too much red, in places I didn’t put it.
And “someone” scrubbed off the blue on this one.

I didn’t put any white on that rifter skin.
How come I now have white on the wings?
Either my details are missing, or someone else painted gold on my nice black background.
No Thirteen (I’ll skip to:)
Again colors are different, and someone put “cat slit” eyes over lavender on my details.
Why is it all green? What is it with the green? I put blue on that skin!
Well, picture should speak for itself.
I put this side by side in the “Resolved” thread:
It was red, and now I got flat “steel” on the sides. This is a christmas themed ship.
And, finally, my crowning achievement,
This was a dynamic skin, an active color change skin. Details are here:
Post 38, my sales pitch:
Fellow forum goers, SKINR users, skin fans, what do we, the buying public, the player base SKINR is targeted to, deserve?
Truth in advertising? Or what CCP slaps on the ship once we pay for the skin?
Ooooh, and I haven’t even gone through my unsold stock (which I pulled due to this…goat-rope.)
I have played EVE since 2013. And, the most important thing I’ve learned…is how to complain. EVE players, serious EVE players, are, or become, masters.