[SLYCE] Want to try null sec with a mature and mostly dad corp? Join us now! (moms are also welcomed)

Mid Weekend bump for all the Dads who sent the kids to grandma/pa and the wives to shopping so they can play :smiley:

Bump bump :man_cartwheeling:

Always accepting dads around the world :slight_smile:

Bumpy McBumpster :guardswoman:

Last F1 weekend of the season. Always accepting dads :supervillain:

Bumpy McBumpester :drum:

Bumpester :supervillain:

Buuuuump :ok_man:

Casual Bump

Happy New Year. Still up and recruiting :smiley:

Buuump :slight_smile:

loads bump shotgun



Top you go !

Join our discord, dads. We can talk more there :beer:

Up! Fun lads in here and dad fleets

Bump to top !

Bump !

Up to top !

Up you go !

So many cool dads here, that we forget sometimes to bump to get more cool dads :slight_smile:

But we are always looking for more cool dads :smiley: