[SLYCE] Want to try null sec with a mature and mostly dad corp? Join us now! (moms are also welcomed)

Hello dear dads,

:cowboy_hat_face::gun:front P.S.: actively looking for more PVP oriented Dads. Monthly rewards given for pvp participation + full SRP program ! :gun: :cowboy_hat_face:

Pyke Syndicate is a friendly and mature corp, made especially for all the dads out there, who enjoy a relaxing environment, doing what they love, after a hard day. We currently operate in NULL SEC, being part of SLYCE Alliance. Our corp is open to new and old players alike. We can teach or reteach you, every aspect of the game (we are old timers here). We seek to create a friendly, drama free environment, where LIFE comes first and piloting comes second.

What does the syndicate do all day :question:, you ask… :question:

- Mainly mining and ratting and when we do get bored we PVP for the lolz. Basically you are free to do whatever you want. Nobody will tell you what to do or push you to do things you don’t like

:no_entry:From here :no_entry:

:stop_sign:Please leave your DRAMA at the door ! :stop_sign:

:star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

:ship:What we offer: :moneybag:

FREE ships for all eve activities - PVP, Ratting, Industry etc → all with SRP

UPGRADED ratting and mining systems - Lots of r64 moons to mine

● a lot of systems with ice available

● Jump Freighter services to move your stuff around

● all kinds of structures, for reprocessing, building, super docking

● 9jumps away from a major trade hub

● buy-back program for everything. Seriously every junk you have on you, you can send it to corp buyback

● support and knowledge

:face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

:scream:“But dude, are there any requirements?” “Just O.N.E.” :scream:

  • 10.000.000 SP requirement

All pilots from all time zones are accepted.

“----->Pascana Loev: Mature…we are not. :crazy_face:
----------------->Claina: We are very mature, shut up.” :shushing_face:

Join our discord if interested Pykes Syndicate .
“Gosh i like emojis”
“And did i mention about the free ships?”


Offering mining barges and PVE ships for ratting ! Join us now !

Friendly community. Everybody is welcome. Alpha or Omega, New or Old, come and join :slight_smile:

Bump to top !

Hello, come join our corp :smile:

All pilots are welcome :slight_smile:

Come and join us, we will have fun together :slight_smile:

Come join our corp :slight_smile:

To the :top:

Looking for pvp pilots :slight_smile: … or goon refugees :scream:

Looking for miners and industrialists to work our r64 moons :rocket:

To the top !

Bump to top

Looking for pilots.


All pilots are welcomed

Come join us, we have cookies :cookie:

Still looking for pilots new and old.

Bump to top !

Bumpidy bump bump!