SOLD 119m alt or new main - for the good cause :)


In my effort to support the PLEX for GOOD initiative, I am selling this great alt.

Great all rounder! No kill rights, in Jita, positive wallet and sec status.

Link for skills


  • Amazing core skills
  • Dread alt: Moros V + T2 siege + T2 XL hybrid
  • Booster alt: Command ships V + 15m in fleet skills
  • Orca alt: Industrial command ships V
  • Carrier alt: Min and Gall carrier V + Fighters 5
  • Fax alt: T2 Triage
  • Zappy skills injected
  • And much more!

Skins and standings

Looking forward to your offers, post here or write to Frank Pannon.

Foch War o/

60B offer

Hey, sounds good, please send ISK and send a mail with the account, where I should transfer Maria to.

Isk and ACC info have been sent

ISK received, initiating transfer.

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