SOLD - 18 Mil Gallente Pilot (Kronos, Ishtar, Hecate)

WTS 18.1 mil. SP Gallente Pilot

level 5 trained for Gallente Frigates, Cruisers, Battleship, Destroyers (Hecate)
T2 Hybrid Guns for all subcap sizes (except large blasters)

In NPC Corp
Security Status 3
edit: 2 available remaps
Positive Wallet, no Killrights, full set of +4s, location: Dodixie
Standings to run level 4s with Astral Mining (gallente corp with decent LP store) and Sisters of EVE
all CCP rules for transferring characters apply

Start price: 17 B
Instant Buyout: 19B

Thank you.

Link doesn’t work

updated, hope it works now

It now works like a champ. Thank you

15B isk ready

Thank you for your offer, 15B is too low. Daily bump.

sorry offer retracted

No worries, thank you anyway. Daily bump.

Daily Bump. Instant Buyout lowered to 19B.

Daily Bump.

14b offer

16B isk ready

Thank you for your offers. 18 B will take the char to a new home.

17B, will deal

Thank you, is the best offer so far, but it makes no sense for me to sell it under 18. If I can’t get that sum in this sale, I’d rather keep the char.

ok, 18B, deal

Which character send isk?

this char, along with the name of the account the char is to be transferred.

isk sent and mailed
when can u start to transfer l

Transfer is started and underway, char should be on your indicated account in a few hours. Please post when you received the char so the thread can be closed. Enjoy.