SOLD 19,5 SP Bomber Pilot, High Standing Caldari Navy

WTS the bomber pilot. 19,5m SP, 609k unallocated
Cyno V, Cybernetics V, Biology V
Neural remap 11-07, 2 bonus avalaible
No kill rights, positive wallet
3 clones with implants in High Sec: Agil (+2), Jouvulen (+4), Maurasi (+3)
empty clone in Jita

High standing Caldari Navy: 8,71

Starting bid 15b, 16 b/o

daily bump

I see you ask in anotjher thread 15b i can offer 14.8, its all my capital. rady for send isk bt go house in twenty minutes and be online until one hour or two.

Sorry, I have withdrawn the quotation and misread the skill

Ok, send ISK and account name

Char is still for sale 15b B/O

14.8 is my max

Ethan, if you wish, you can get this char for 14.8

Ok i sent the isk in a moment and account name

Ok, I will chceck in 2 hrs.

isk and acc name sent

Isk and acc received. Thank you. I will start process within 2 hrs. Thanks!

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Transfer initiated

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Pilot received.

Interested in repurchase him, i was the riginal owner. No the people who sold you yesterday, Pm Me or seek in game. Paying well.

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