WTS Links/Carrier/Combat Pilot 98M SP

98,605,619 SP (592,000 free SP)
General Character with mixed training in PVE and Fleet PVP skills.

No Kill Rights
Positive ISK Wallet
Currently in Horde space but can move to Hi-Sec if needed. Leaving the horde clones up unless buyer requests otherwise. Bunch of command mindlinks left in clonebays. And Improved training set included unless I need to move.

Start bid: 70B


73 B …

Thanks for bid, plan to run auction for three days until my days off when I have more time.


If your still interested i will be ending the auction when I get off work. Should be home around 2 hours before DT

70b offer
Hello, my friend, do you remember me? I bought your other account yesterday

74b offer

75b offer

Hello again, thanks for bid. Also plan to end auction pretty soon (about 1 1/2 hours)

Looks like you are the highest bidder. Send mail and isk, then I will start the transfer

Sorry, I am still at work, I will pay you before 2:00PM UTC

No rush, I will keep bidding open but do not expect to see any further bids. I will check back in at 2pm UTC

75B/O Is that okay? I will transfer the money right away.

I appreciate the offer but I am not in that much of a rush to take a matched buy out. I have sold Jethro a character before so know they are good for their bid. I will leave auction up until 2pm UTC as stated previously.

ISK and EMAIL send

On earlier than expected. Isk received, transfer started. Will be completed after 1/2/2024 9:20:05 PM

Thank you very much. Have a nice day

The role has been received. The transfer is complete

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