*SOLD* 2007 44mSP alt toon, 2 remaps avail, mostly used for mining/processing *SOLD*

Looking to sell my old Alt “Project Failure”. 44mSP, primarily used him for mining and some resource processing. toon was created 2007.11.22. 1 clone with basic impants in boystin. 1 isk in the wallet. No killrights. 2 remaps available Located in 0.5 space in Boystin, Solitude Region Quantum Anomaly

Looking for Best Offer

Thread reopened.

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24b offer

24b offer…


If your still interested im down

I’d give you 26Bil if we could do it quick



im around if you want it


im on right now if you wanna make this happen

I raise to 30b

YOURS right now if you want it

Convod you ingame

sounds good

Isk Received and transfer initiated. Hope PF serves you well! o7