Bring on the WH fights!!!
I have over 500 mil in unallocated SP
7.3 Mil in guns
and nearly 7 mil in drones
I can put up T2 bubbles
I have perfect subsystem skills for both the loki and Legion
I can fly a badass Sleipnir!!!
Positive wallet
No kill rights
Character and jump clones will all be in high sec
I am open to offers
54 Billion ISK right here
I will be traveling for the next 24 hours so I’m unable to transfer regardless however if there’s no higher bids in the next 24 hours I will accept your offer of 58 bil
58 bil offer accepted please send isk and account information
Getting on now, sending ISK and account info within 5 minutes.
Isk and account info sent. Great doing business with you!
Isk received and character sent thank you!
July 15, 2019, 4:11am
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