[SOLD] 92.5m Supercarrier pilot w/ Amarr/Gal/Min carrier 5 + Fleet support bursts [SOLD]

i retract other carrier toon

i have cancel all bid on carrier toon :slight_smile: excepted this

sorry I think we have a misunderstanding. Per your request, I was going to keep biding on this one and retracting from other threads. It’s ok we just keep biding on all threads, my offers are all valid and reasonable.

ok :slight_smile: thanks!

I will finish the auction tomorrow (in about 24 hours). Winner will have 24 hours to send ISK, and if it’s not sent, the next bidder will receive. I can initiate transfer immediately if ISK is sent around this time tomorrow as I’ll be online. Go to sleep in about 1.5 hours from now.

traderPro at 101b current high bid. if you no longer want character, please formally retract. thank you

102 B isk offer from me if @Liberty_Tokila and @traderPro offer not been retracted.

103b isk

sorry trader pro qabd librrty retract the bid

105 B isk

i cross finguer for you :slight_smile:

@Tydysh_Hax i accept the buyout price of 110b.
Let me know if you stick to the option or take a possible higher offer.

Answer can be a bit delayed will go to sleep now

gn dude

I accept the buyout. I won’t take offers higher. ISK must be sent within 24 hours or the next bid will next.

I can initiate transfer in about 2-3 hours if sent before then.

Please reply here when ISK is sent.

ISK and account information send

Transfer initiated. Per CCP rules in forum, it takes 24 hours after initiation to receive.

Thank you

Character received, thanks